Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 50

Hello everyone and Happy Mother’s Day to all who celebrate I was super happy to see that the Florists could open, so we could be sure there was a nice centerpiece on all the Zoom celebrations. I believe this holiday is one, if not the busiest day, of the year for restaurants and because of Corona we are once again denied our usual celebrations. I noticed this past week a lot more restaurants that have been shuttered were opening for takeout, probably because of Mom’s day, and anticipation of maybe one day returning to normal. They all seemed to offer a special package, complete with flowers or a special gift. I’m just glad the box didn’t come from Amazon. We had a special dinner ordered from the UMass Club here in Boston, and we were able to deliver to my sister and daughter as well.  My roommate did a very nice job and managed to heat the dinner properly and set a very nice table, even some nice music. I did my son in law a favor and he didn’t have to plan and even though he is a proper cook, this time just reheating was required. This time last year we had a lot of friends and family travel to Boston, for a wedding celebration for my son Max and Alana, thank goodness for those Facebook memory reminders, although I am sure I would have remembered without it. It was such a great weekend, meeting our new Aloha family from Hawaii some for the first time, and the sun actually came out that Saturday, after a month of cold rainy weather. How could we have imagined that was the last big family celebration, we would have for a while and if we do have another soon will we be masked, will there be tape on the floor marking the spot for each person not to get to close?  I am hoping we can dance again and even in a big open space outside. Today we were going to stroll around and find a nice spot where we could safely distance and have a picnic, but the weather didn’t cooperate and then it was naptime. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way, but to see my six year old grandson coming down the street with a mask on, as well as Mom and Dad just about unhinged me, but luckily I was also wearing a mask.  Hey if this is what we have to do to keep us all safe especially my grandchildren I will wear a full size body condom when I go out. I noticed that some states are slowly reopening and find it funny that Nail salons and massages were in the first phase. I get the barbers and hair salons, and no one wants  a Pedi more than me but what about retail that doesn’t require a lot of touching, and can give you space to distance?  Believe it or not in Thailand one of the first thing that reopened were the pet grooming places and they have been overbooked. Apparently pure bred dogs are the favorite, and often the ones that do better in a cold climate, now it is 100 degrees there and these pooches need to shed some fur. I am not sure what the first thing I would do if I woke up tomorrow and found that this was all a hoax or fake news, and we could resume were we left off. I can tell you one thing for sure this cooking thing every day, is the first thing to go and when I go down to my favorite bar, will they make the drinks as strong as I have been making them at home. Doubtful unless Jared is at the bar, he knows how I like them, otherwise I will continue with my own heavy pour. Techie has even managed to have a drink or two this past week, which is not his nature, especially never at home. I may finally be getting to him and he has had enough with this constant tech support and is turning to the bottle, well that would be a switch but a few drinks in more than a week is too small a sample so I will keep my eye on him, we can’t have two booze bags in the house.  May 11th was going to be the end of our quarantine but now we are pushed out a week and I am sure it will pushed out further and before you know it its Memorial Day, and there will be no day at the beach. Damn good thing because I have a monster truck spare tire for a gut right now and keeping me locked up is not going to make it go away. I keep watching the workout videos and nothing changes, going to have to try something different.  Biking doesn’t really burn calories and this gunt is getting in the way big time, so going to have to do some hills. My roommate and I take a lot of walks around the city and try to explore different neighborhoods and we were down near the shipping docks a few days ago and came across these Ducks and their ducklings, so adorable but at the same time thinking of Make Way for Ducklings in the Boston public garden and then these in the yard looked like they had been through pandemic.

Just sayin


Day 49


Day 51


  1. Judy

    Glad you got to see two of your grandkids

  2. Glad Jared has a new gig.

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