Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 51

Good evening everyone and as usual I ask and hope that everyone is happy and healthy, and more importantly surviving sanely. I know it is insane for us to live through something like this Pandemic but what is really fucking insane, is that we have a certified unequivocally mentally ill person who is in charge of our well being and the future of this country. Why aren’t we out in the streets demanding that he be committed?  It’s no secret to anyone who knows me that I have a very limited, well let me say no affection, for our failed leader and I have been trying to remain neutral in my daily discourse but the gloves are off. I watched a briefing today, generally avoid them, and when they mentioned the latest on children getting this new affliction, he said  not aware they might die. Seriously that is your best answer?  Yes we can say some people were irresponsible and didn’t follow precautions and may have had the misfortune to get the virus, but children not dying?  My generation has raised our kids and now that are grandchildren may be in peril, the gloves are off, you a much uninformed moron.  Why are we even listening to someone who is orange?  I mean we have red states and blue states, and if you mix them up you get purple, and there is no formula that brings us to Orange so that should be our first warning. I mean think about it they do use Orange flashing lights, when they rig up the caution signs on the side of the road that should tell us something about the danger ahead. I wish the lame stream media would stop going to these press conferences and just report after, and do the fact checking. The people who will remain, are going to believe no matter what he says, so let them have it. They all know if they wanted a test, they can have a test, because Cheeto says anyone who wants one can have one, just haven’t told us where we can get one. Apparently you have to have one of the those Make America Great Again hats, with the secret handshake to get one, but you don’t need one because it is a free country and you are free to spread the virus.  I have news for all you people in the MAGA hats, we didn’t need to make America great again, we were already great, but now it is going to take years to gain some credibility in the world and here in our own country.   Just think it only took a Reality TV star, and I use Star loosely, after never having seen the show, a very short time to put us all down in the gutter. He can grab them by the pussy and shoot someone in central park, without consequence, so of course he thinks he can maneuver himself right out of this big doozy he finds himself.  The really sad thing he has the support of so many people who are more than happy to hold their nose and look the other way, no matter what he says or does.

Ok this was going to be a more uplifting rant as I was visiting my grandchildren today and experienced the sheer joy of having a swing/play set installed in their backyard. You know all our parks have been closed for more than two months and it has been so sad to walk by all these places and not be able to use them, but hey its China’s fault or what Cheeto would have you believe.   My grandchildren are the lucky ones as their extended family could give them this gift, while the parks remained locked up. I was so happy to push Maisie on the swing, and watch Charlie go up and down that Fireman pole just made my day.  I should have never turned on the news, but I would have read about it sooner or later and for my children and grandchildren I will not keep quiet. I promise I won’t refer to our President as Cheeto, if the shoe fits, and I will do as my Mom always said if you cannot say anything nice don’t say anything, but I will call out the untruths and hope for better days ahead. Hoping to get back to America loves you, “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses Yearning to breathe free………. Can we get back to what really made us great?

Just sayin…

To better times ahead!


Day 50


Day 52


  1. Nailed it.

  2. Barbara Rosen

    I’ve been fuming at home. You captured my feelings exactly. Never have watched briefings with their highest of all time ratings. I can’t stop ranting, thanks for publishing them for me.

  3. Judy

    Glad maisie and Charlie have swings
    Nothing more fun than swinging
    I used to have respect for individuals who chose public service but that has been shattered by this administration and everyone in it.
    I could run this country with my sisters and brothers more efficiently and compassionately than current president

  4. yes! Cheeto it is!

  5. Mimi wells


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