Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

DAY 512

Good evening my corona friends and I trust you are all keeping up with the news. Many of our friends are not following protocol and getting the jab, so the delta variant is causing a bit of some angst for all those paying attention. But if that is the way you want to play fine, just don’t come a-knocking when you need some medical care, call up your buddies on Facebook or Fox news and have them sit with you. So many say they are waiting for full FDA approval as they don’t want to be an experiment for the government, well darling that ship has sailed. We were an experiment in that we survived four years under Cheetos’s dynasty and who knows what else is coming down the pike it is all one big science experiment.  Fires are raging, earthquakes, evacuations and probably heading into a wild hurricane season, but other than that Mrs. Lincoln how was the play?

I don’t want to rant and rave about my fellow citizens but I do want them to behave because if something happens to my grandchildren, lookout. Hell has no fury like Grandma Peggy scorned. Summer is coming to a close and I know this used to be a time when parents of young kids were just itching for class to resume but now you have to worry about whether some dipshit moron decides on a mask or no mask?  One thing I am sure of is that I think all the parents will have to be committed if their kids have to go remote, there will be no room on the Psych wards.

August is a tough month for me so much going on and it is the end of summer, so I want it to slow down but it’s already almost over. When you are old it seems like time flies in the blink of an eye. I remember when my son Max came to me when he was in college and said “mom remember how you always say time goes by so fast?  Now I get it.” When you have young kids the days are long but the years are short and now my baby girl Erica is turning 40 at the end of the month. I can’t believe I have a daughter that is 40 it’s inconceivable I still think I am 30, well mostly I act like a teenager and misbehave but old habits are hard to die. Tomorrow my roommate and beloved techie celebrate 43 years of wedded bliss and I just can’t believe it’s been that long, how did he survive?  My mother never thought he would stay around as I wasn’t a proper wife and wait on him and make him all his meals, she used to say how does he keep you?   She never quite understood that he was capable of making his own sandwich and God forbid a laundry. I knew right from the get-go he was a winner, In one of our first ventures the car breaks down and he asked for a hair clip or nail file and then fussed under the hood and we were off. I thought this guy is MacGyver and I am going to keep him and my mother-in-law was right “it was the luckiest day of my life when I met him”.  Freda, my mother in law had a certain way about her that sometimes could be charming with the backhanded compliments, like nice sweater too bad blue is not your color. My two sister-in-laws and their mothers never appreciated that “luckiest day of your life” line and took offense, but when she brought it up to my mom, she whole heartily agreed.  Well Mom and Freda I think you were both right and hope you are smiling down on us.  So how do you celebrate 43 years well last week my roommate says I made reservations at The Fox and Knife for dinner and I said great I made reservations to fly to Bermuda.  Guess where we are going?  A certain savvy “techie” let his passport expire so the next best thing is a lovely weekend dine around, and it will be wonderful.  We have everything we need right here in this large one-room loft where we can’t escape each other. 

Techie and I just completed our 12th and 8th Pan-Mass Challenge last week and for those who aren’t familiar it is a two-day bike ride across Massachusetts till the end of the cape In Provincetown, but because of the Pandemic like all events it had to change up. We ride for the Flames and Dana Farber and are lucky enough to have a fabulous team captain and honorary captains to Reimagine our route and hopefully if people would just behave we can get the real route back. This year was especially hard for a lot of reasons, first I am old, and second that Covid 19 turned into Covid 29 for me, so not only is the riding hard but squeezing into a spandex riding costume was especially hard.  They sent us a box with our PMC shirts and when my roommate came home I was crying he was worried but I said I can’t fit into the jersey.  Wouldn’t you know he found time to go by the PMC office and swap shirts but also mentioned they had lots of calls complaining the shirts came in too small this year. I think he was lying but that is why we are still married after forty-three years.  Techie and I met a couple at a bar this evening while enjoying our evening stroll and they mentioned it was their tenth anniversary and they ask each other every year “do you want to sign up for another year?” Well, that is all well and good but sweetie if you are enjoying the roller coaster and having so much fun, you just hang on tight on no need to ask.

Just saying……………….


DAY 497


DAY 524


  1. Dorothy

    Love you Peg!

  2. Debra

    Wishing you and Richard many more years of adventures, laughter and joy. Happy anniversary!

  3. Judy Murdock

    Love ❤️ makes 43 yrs sweet

  4. Donna Sokol-Feltus

    Happy Anniversary you two! My friendship with Rich began at Swampscott High School in 1969, continued at Umass, and is still going strong. Love you Richard and treasure our friendship. The greatest thing you did for me, Rich, (and you’re way better than a bucket of shit- ha ha) is introduce me to Peggy, my beloved (sorry Rich), my sister, my bestie. We have made so many memories over the years, Peg, some of them so hilarious that we tell them over and over to our kids at holiday dinners as though they never heard them before. I look forward to many more years of laughter, drama, family vacations, travel, girlfriend getaways, and dinners. Congratulations and 💕 to you both. Donna

  5. Jo-Anne

    You guys are an inspiration. I known a few people who did the challenge and it is definitely a challenge. Happy Anniversary.

  6. Colleen O'Connor

    Love you both – Happy Anniversary!

  7. Alicia Miller

    You two are an inspiration!

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