Hello everyone and hope we are all doing well this evening. I know I am and there is nothing a nice bottle of chardonnay won’t solve, at least till tomorrow. I know I went off on a bit of what some may construe as a political rant and I make no apologies.  I can assure you all from my perspective it was tame.  For all intents and purposes let’s just put it out there Orange is my least favorite color and oddly enough red has always been my favorite.  What pains me most from someone who has embraced color so much in my world and design aesthetic that now Orange is dead to me, and that is all I am going to say about it. This from someone who embraced orange and pink in my own wedding years ago and then again when my daughter got married orange played a big part of her wedding party. Now one person has ruined it for me forever.  How could this happen? How could one idiot disrupt my whole color pallet to what I hold sacred and how do I allow this to happen? Well the truth is I don’t and I won’t. I am now reclaiming the true color pallet of orange and not the cheeto, brand of orange. I am reclaiming my orange and I hope the other one fades away, and the sooner the better.

Today I decided that I am on a path to relaxation and wellbeing, so will have to let the discord fall by the wayside. I am going to to wake up every morning and decide on the five things that really matter in my life, and then get out of bed and perform like they do really matter. Maybe we can’t do our jobs they way we used to do them but now we have a new opportunity to do something innovative. Let me just say the fact that I just wrote we can do something innovative is amazingly fucking innovative. You all know that I am something of a Luddite when it comes to computer lingo and for me it doesn’t much matter because hey, my techie, will fix it for me. Today one of my girlfriends confessed that  not all her secure rants and raves are completely private and I would love to share with you but the time is not right, but I can assure when the time is right it will be such a good read, you won’t be able to put it down. SO GOOD.

Today was a great day to be walking around the city and a lot of people were willing to share, so I hope you enjoy some of the first neighborhoods in the city to open up.  I think we are on the road to spring and it may be apparent to some but definitely not to all, and I was only looking for the bright spots today in my walk around the city that I love and adore.  I am sharing signs of coming to life in one form or another.

Just sayin…