Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 53

Good evening everyone and hope you all had a very good Wednesday. Remember when this used to be referred to as hump day, and only two more days to the weekend?  Now most of the time it doesn’t matter, because there will be no activities on the weekend, it’s just another day. No soccer or baseball games, trips to the Museum or aquarium, and worst of all no brunch. Brunch was never a big thing when I lived in the suburbs, and maybe it was just me, but here in the city people love to brunch. Especially when the weather gets warm and you are able to sit outside. They love to dawdle over their eggs bennie or raspberry stuffed French toast and yes a Bloody Mary or Mimosa, or more.  So far no worries because this is New England, and we haven’t been told yet that it is May, and we had a frost today, but no problem that sun comes out in the afternoon and it can be 50-60” and we think it is beach weather. Besides it keeps the work from home crowd focused, because who wouldn’t want to go outside when it is a beautiful day, and it is not like anyone in your office would notice if you did. I did go to work again today and I love that I can blast the music so loud and dance like no one is watching, it is kind of liberating. I don’t know what that will be like when we actually get to open the doors.  I guess I will have to turn down the volume and maybe lose the moves. I really miss all my coworkers and interactions with other adults in person, besides my roommate everything else has been on Face time and Zoom.  But we are preparing for the “new normal” freaking hate that phrase and that includes a very stylish face mask, forget about those hospital paper ones.  I got a beautiful very stylish face mask today from one of my colleagues Cindy, and I love it. She was all tricked out in a very nice mask that seemed to match her outfit and I am betting she will be doing a very nice job coordinating a stylish wardrobe to compliment her masks. I do believe we are going to have to embrace this mask thing, for a very long time so we had better get on it and start getting them made to match our wardrobes, if it ever comes to actually getting out of our yoga pants and dressing a bit more professionally. I have to say I never thought I would go out in public in my yoga pants but yet I find myself leaving the house every day in them and I don’t even care about all the rolls and bulges, a I always told my daughter I am Rubenisque. I know from what I feel and what I read that we are all embracing comfort foods during this time of isolation and hibernation, and you know what that means a lot of Carbs. Screw the Atkins all that protein is not going to do it for most of us, we need to bake bread, eat lots of pasta and down a king size bag of Cape Cod chips in one seating to feel good. I am doing my best to drink the potato vodka and trying to cut down on the chardonnay. I don’t know about anyone else but wine seems to have a trigger for me to want to eat after drinking a bottle. Last night I said to Techie no snacks tonight, which have become a bad habit for late night, which we never did before lock down. I blame it on Trader Joes with those mini sandwiches and Nutty buddy cones. You don’t feel bad about having a mini but then you can’t stop at one and then becomes two then three and the beat goes on…  I stopped buying them but that doesn’t stop me from continuously looking in the freezer, for my best friend who seems to have left town with no forwarding address. I was in the store today and hesitated for a moment in front of the case but pushed my way through and you have to follow the arrows in the store so no going back, dodged that bullet. Tonight I prepared a spectacular Taco dinner once again from the yellow box, but I set a very nice table with all the ingredients in very attractive little bowls so it was a kind of build your own Taco. My roommate was easily impressed and not sure if he even noticed the attractive table setting but he seemed to enjoy it and the rule is he does the dishes so no complaints. I guess I will have to think of something really exciting for tomorrow night but doubt it will top this dinner that my lover served me the other night.

Just sayin….


Day 52


Day 54


  1. Colleen OConnor

    How Sweet❣️

  2. Beautiful table

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