Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 54

Good evening everyone and hope you all got to spend some time enjoying this glorious day. It seemed the weather did turn our way for a beautiful spring day. That is one of the most positive things about this outbreak or virus lock-down, how much a difference a good weather day can be.  Just the fact that we don’t need a down jacket or gloves. Now that I have been cooped up inside for so long, I guess I can understand how people want to be in a warmer climate. Just so much less of a hassle if you don’t need to layer yourself when you head out for your daily trek. I have had a nice little set up outside my apartment door for the past several months with a little bench that I could change my sneakers or bike shoes, and not bring them inside. I was even hanging my coat on one of the beams. Well as it turns out the condo rules don’t allow for anything outside your door. Even though I knew this, it still really pissed me off when I got busted for breaking the rules and threatened with a fine.  I know this younger yuppie couple were making a big deal about it a few years ago, didn’t like the floor mats or baby carriage outside  the door, but as soon as they were having a baby they moved out.  But not before they stuck us with this ridiculous new security system for guests to ring up to your apartment, or open the door with the app on your phone, half the time it is broken.  Apparently there was a move afoot to try and be a bit more upscale as we were the poor relation, in regard to all the new construction in the hood, but we sure have much more charm, and our fees are quite a bit lower.  I am sure there are plenty of you out there you have lived in a condo and understand the Board and the rules, but this is my first time. I am not much of a rule follower. As a matter of fact, it is surprising how little complaints I have had in the five years we have been here but all it takes is one asshole to get all hot and bothered.  You see we live on the second floor which is the only floor that has an open atrium so we have a big open hallway, the other floors are all closed up, hence not much outside your door space. I find it very helpful when late at night if I hadn’t finished the required steps for the day I would just do a quick 30 laps around my open hallway. Now there are two buildings, and the nasty bitch who called me out on my bench lives in the building across the courtyard.  I don’t even know who she is but she has to be a major A hole to get all bent out of shape over someone’s bench that has nothing to do with her, when today we have a lot more fish to fry than breaking a silly rule.  I miss my bench as I am one of the elderly, I do get to shop at preview hours at the market, and it is nice to have a place to change my shoes.  I am not going to dwell on it too much because only gets me super angry and that is not going to serve me well today. Besides I will just give it a while and just put it back when no one is looking, and stay out of our building Miss Busy Body. Techie is back to doing his meditation in a bigger way and tells me Patience and tolerance is the way to go. Ya let me think about it. No. Patience is never going to be my thing, and there is no way I can meditate my way there. I am trying to be more tolerant of people during this time of Corona, and most times people are being pretty reasonable, but not all are wearing their masks. I hate to say this but I am going to call out the Millennials. They don’t have full compliance and especially running or jogging around the city. We don’t want your spray so get with the program. They are pretty good about getting out of your way. I sometimes feel like Moses parting the sea when I come upon a group that just spread out till you pass. I kind of feel like I have some super power. Now if that could only translate to making that happen for those in the left lane who aren’t passing anyone, it would be awesome. I know we are all driving a little faster than usual since there is so little traffic on the highway, and I often get pissed off at the guy ahead of me and then I see I am going 80. I noticed today they have signs on the highway about keeping the proper distance from the cars in front of you, being clever about telling people don’t get on my tail. I noticed a lot more state troopers hidden on the side of the road today, so I must be more careful so as not to get a ticket adding to my frustrations with the lock down.  My roommate and I noticed on our daily trek today that almost all conversations we could over hear while we past them on the street were all virus related. When are we going to end the shutdown, he had no symptoms, he’s back in the hospital, when will I see my family. Today we were reminded that Covid is not the only game in town. Cancer can sneak right up on you. I may have mentioned that my whole family rides in the PMC, Pan Mass Challenge every year and we raise money for Dana Farber Cancer center. Well we ride on team Flames and we found out our little pedal partner Zachary is back in the hospital and his leukemia has come back. We all were stunned as he was doing so well and had been in remission, and what time to be admitted back into the hospital. Tonight we had a Zoom meeting with a lot of our team and shared our stories of why we ride and why we have to continue and raise money to find a cure. I wore my bike shirt from just two years ago tonight and I am in big trouble because I could barely squeeze into it, no more carbo loading.

Just sayin


Day 53


Day 55

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    So true about condo living
    One bad egg or complainer can spoil things
    In my condo, only complainers come to meetings
    Usually the buy houses and leave
    Condo living is about cooperation for the common good
    Never thanks to trustees who are unpaid

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