Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 57

Good evening my corona partners and hope everyone had a good day. It was a good day to be out and about, as much as possible and mask compliance was about 70% today.  Today I was delighted to find out this morning that it was Sunday and I could spend as much time as I wanted drinking coffee and mulling over my Boston Globe and New York Times, which only comes on Sunday. It used to be the first section I would pull out of the paper every Sunday was the travel section, as I loved to dream and learn about the places that I could aspire to one day visit. But how quickly the world has changed and they don’t even do a good job with this section any longer, I guess they are giving up as well. I believe it is a temporary setback and we will be back up and running again soon. I have had the wanderlust for the past few years, and just really wanted to visit as many places as possible before I was in diapers, and not able to move around as easy. This virus thing is cramping my style and I am not big on the armchair travel, so hopefully this time next year we will be on a trip, and could be anywhere. Today was a really great day as my roommate and I took a nice long bike ride but it was even more fun as our friends Howie and Lisa came by and we all rode off together. We took them on a nice long ride through different parts of the city, and because it was far less traffic, riding down Dorchester Ave was far less frightening than usual. Once we get to the bike trail it is all smooth sailing and honestly I almost felt normal like something you would do any Sunday, if it weren’t for that freaking mask, fogging up my glasses and I get so overheated. It can be very difficult to be compliant, but I will keep trying with different options. It was a really great afternoon and then it got incredibly better when we ended at the Barking Crab for lobster rolls. It turns out they just opened a takeout window during the day and there was a line, but we got our picnic packages and found a place along the Harbor walk to sit 6 feet apart and enjoy our picnic. I think you all may know that restaurants were granted the ability to offer take out drinks with the meals, and it occurred to me as we were sitting in front of the courthouse, that I guess public drinking has now also been granted. Everyone who was walking by was also carrying the lunch bag with a beer and it was all very civilized, no public intoxication, well they also limit you to two. It’s funny, if it wasn’t for the masks you could easily believe it was just another spring day in Boston. I am grateful that my friends suggested we do the ride as we are so used to being just the two of us, and you know what they say about to much togetherness? Well after that great afternoon we arrived home to find out new home delivery meal package from Hello Fresh had arrived, and what a thrill not to have to think of what to make for dinner. My friend Sarah recommended it and she doesn’t like to cook, Queen of take out, plus she and her husband may be the only ones I know who eat out more than we do. She warned me you do have to do some work but all the ingredients and measurements are all done ahead for you. Well lo and behold but Techie cooked dinner tonight, it comes with these big recipe boards, and he is very good at following directions. Also whenever he did by chance decide to cook something he generally made a super mess in the kitchen, so I kind of banished him to dishes.  Of course it is too soon to say this is going to be a game changer but we have two more meals for this week and ordered already for next week. I don’t know about anyone else but here we gauge the time passing, by meals and what we are going to look forward to helps the day go by a lot quicker. I wish I could be the Barefoot Contessa to my Techie and whip up these seemingly easy delicious dinners but lately it seems like another chore. This could be groundbreaking, and we could end up cooking this meals together but I don’t want the dishes back that stays in his column.  I guess the world has evolved to everything we need gets delivered to our door in a box, but at least this wasn’t an Amazon box.  I will probably find out later that they’re owned by Amazon.  Now if we could just put this virus in a box and send it off somewhere, guaranteed free shipping and no returns, final sale.

Just sayin…….


Day 56


Day 58


  1. Paula


  2. Judy

    Nothing like a lobster roll and a bike ride

What do you think?

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