Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 574

Good evening my Corona friends and hope everyone is doing well this evening as the weather starts to turn a bit brisk and this 30th day of September. When the weather is beautiful and you can be outside for most activities including dining, you almost can forget about the pandemic. Is this the reason people down in Florida choose to ignore it? We are well past a year when the shit hit the fan and yes things are different but we still are unsure if it is totally safe to just assume our normal or what we would pass for normal lives again. Techie and I have both had a booster, he may need one and I was not really authorized for one yet but just signed up and got one anyway. I heard on NPR a few weeks ago on a call into Doctor that the booster wasn’t really necessary as it was like throwing you another life jacket when you already had one. Well let me tell you in this climate with all the crazies, I will take that extra life jacket.  We were doing a walkabout our beautiful city last Sunday when we came across an anti-vax rally, and it is their body and their choice, except in Texas, blah, blah, blah.  I casually asked a couple walking by if they ever got vaccinated as a kid and they promptly flipped me off and had a few choice words. It’s not like they ae protesting an unjust war, they probably see it that way, but seriously is it any different than getting your school vaccinations? Where is that outrage?  Oh yes, that was before people got their medical advice from some cable news network or some bullshit on Facebook, or the Q people. We have made tremendous progress with literacy in this country and now if we could just get them to lose the remote.  I me myself have become even loonier than I ever thought possible because I dream of natural selection on these jerks.  I am not going to be kind and try to understand them any longer, why would I want to?  If I hear one more person say they haven’t done enough research again, which means they have only looked at the crazy’s website, I want to toss my cookies.  I am ashamed to admit that I actually know some of these people and I use to like them and think they were normal but now recognize that they have been taken over by some alien force and removed any rational thinking part of their brain. Sad to say that I don’t give a shit enough to try and save them, they still think the election is stolen and that Orange idiot is coming back.  

On the other hand, things are going very well here Techie is in very good health and seems to be enjoying this retirement thing way more than I expected. I asked him last week to find a new dry cleaner for a few things that have been in the dry cleaning bag for a year and they are still sitting near the door. His errands to the Post office take up a lot of his time, and he does want to enjoy his sailboat to the very last day before it will have to get wrapped for the winter. I am happy that he is enjoying his new schedule but kind of disappointing when I get home from work and my dinner is not waiting for me, did I mention we canceled the box?  I am going to bring the box back when our patio dining ends in a month or so, or when the weather seizes to cooperate. Right now our dishwasher broke and if you are a consumer in today’s world you know what that means, they can fix it or replace it and it may be 3 days or six months, fingers crossed.  I think I have seen the same news story for the past few weeks of all the containers backed up in Long Beach and oh and yes they mention many times about buying your Christmas toys now because there is going to be a lot of coal in their stockings this year, as it just can’t get here.  I heard today a toy or novelty company said they paid $4,000 for a container and today they had to pay $24,000 to get a boatload of crap over here of stuff we don’t need made in China.  I decided to forget about the stuff and we will give experiences and force my kids and grandkids to spend time with us for their present.  I am not sure my Grandkids will appreciate massages and room service and might be a bad idea to introduce it at this age, as where do you go from here, but hey it’s a pandemic and I might not be around that long. Of course, I am not stupid and I will have to cave as well.  My Charlie really likes to drum and I think he needs a major drum set this holiday season and of course, we will keep it at his house as I have no room in my one-room apartment, and actually, I can satisfy all the grandkids with some good old fashioned junk food, the sky’s the limit night at our place to cement our place in their hearts.

September 30, 2021, is a big day here in our household as it is Tilda’s 3rd Birthday and I have no idea how three years slipped by so fast, so happy birthday Tilda!!! I also have to give a very big shout-out to Tilda’s dad my son Max who was nominated and also won an Emmy for Technical camera work on the John Oliver show. Max has a company that builds drones and all those years That Techie took him to the field to fly the model planes and shoot off the rockets paid off in the end.   I want you all to pay close attention to the title of the episode because this is what made his Momma most proud. Life goes on in this crazy world we now occupy.

Happy Birthday, Tilda!!!  Congratulations Max and be sure to say you owe it all to your amazing Mom!!!

Just saying………..


DAY 524


Day 619

1 Comment

  1. Judy Murdock

    So glad rich knows how to enjoy retirement
    Happy bday to tilda
    Kudos to max

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