Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 58

Good evening my Corona partners and we made it through another Monday, without any real breakdowns. I have been close but still standing. Today Techie had a delivery to do in Salem and enticed me to go along with a stop at the Barnacle in Marblehead, for a Clam Roll, and if you are paying attention, I am the biggest food whore and easily swayed. Besides I have been Jonseing for fried clams since the weather turned and we have had glimpses of summer.  When we lived out in the suburbs we used to go to Dairy Joy drive-in and he always said you needed to take out a mortgage to pay for the clam plate. I guess he thought it was expensive and it probably was but beggars can’t be choosers.  Well the Barnacle has a pretty good clam roll and it wasn’t going to be the same because it is only take out, but I was excited. They have these old menus posted on the wall and it says lobster rolls $1.99 and I remember being there with Techie and my mother-in-law years ago for lunch and she had just been droning on and on how her boys spent too much money at Kelly’s last time on lobster rolls and they should be more careful about spending, grown men.  I couldn’t resist I pointed to the menu on the wall and said look they must at a special and wouldn’t you know all three of us ordered the lobster rolls.  When the check came she insisted on paying and I knew there would be trouble, I said let me fill out the charge you don’t have your glasses.  Well let me just say I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when that credit card bill came and those lobster rolls were a heck of a lot more than a $1.99. I am sure she gave them her full on workover. I have to say to her credit she never mentioned it to me and that is when I think we realized, she may be failing a bit. She has been gone a long time but we had a good laugh today remembering that lunch and happier times. Anyway I was getting no answer on the phone and was really getting miffed as my whole reason for going was the clam roll experience. I had to go to Plan B and called Woodman’s. Yes they were open and they would deliver to our car, just call when we got closer.  Finished up our delivery and then pulled into the parking lot up in Essex. Well what they didn’t tell you when we placed our order on the phone is you can only pick it up, and then you have to leave, they have a huge parking lot in the back, but not allowed to stay there and eat. Well you know we can’t drive almost an hour back home with that sweet smell of the fried clams in the car that would be tortuous and ruin the clams if they got cold. We drove around the little town and settled for a church parking spot, where we picnicked in the car, and hoped that they wouldn’t report a mysterious car with masked people eating in their lot. Ok we did take off the masks while we were scoffing down those yummy clams, which were just heavenly by the way. They were super fresh and for sure did not disappoint.  The only thing better would have been if we were on our way back from the beach after a nice long day in the sun. But wait I wouldn’t have been with my roommate, as he sure doesn’t like to do the beach. Once a year he grants me a day, usually my birthday.  Today was my college roommate Rozzies Birthday and we have enjoyed visits at Woodman’s together, so Roz today I celebrated your Birthday, sans Roz but I was thinking of you. We graduated together from UMASS not that many years ago and even though miles apart have managed to remain great friends. I often compare these kind of friendships like watching a soap opera, sometimes you don’t watch for long period of time but then you can tune back in and figure it out like you never left off.  They have seen you in all stages the good, the bad and the ugly but their friendship remains solid. We were at different stages years ago when I just had a baby and she was still running around working late nights in the restaurant biz and then up and moved to Vegas.  Well the next thing you know she calls and said she got married and is on her way to South Carolina where they just took on jobs. When I finally did manage to get a visit and celebrate properly, it was just hilarious. They had jobs on this little island and I was to meet them at a bar and then follow them home. She comes strolling and in and we are jumping up and down screaming and hugging, and I look behind her and there is this young kid grinning behind her and she introduced her husband to me. It wasn’t till we were driving home in my car later that I said you never mentioned the dude was considerably younger, she said oh I thought mentioned it. Well hot dam for Rozzie because Eddie Chef Boyardee has turned out to be a super wonderful husband and father, and the fact that he has a restaurant and can cook gives double/triple points.  If anyone can get down to North Myrtle Beach please look up the Parsons Table and guaranteed you will not be disappointed. Tonight Techie is going to work on his second night of cooking from a box and I will let you know how it goes, work in progress.

Rozzie one of my favorite times “how do I get to know those girls” that will be our private memory. Happy Birthday Girlfriend! By the way this picture is speaking to the virus….

Just sayin……….


Day 57


Day 59


  1. Paula

    Yum. Woodman’s.

  2. Judy

    Dying for fried clams and summer beach westher

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