Good evening my fellow corona partners and I hope you are doing well staying sane and healthy. Mental health seems to be teetering on the edge for me this evening, and I have to pause a moment, while I go make a cocktail, and don’t worry I will make it a double, better yet a triple. First thing I have to do tonight is apologize to my friend Rozzie, because she didn’t like her depiction of her as a cradle snatcher when she married her husband. No offense was meant and you must admit at the time it did seem to be a big spread, but as we aged and became more mature the difference disappeared. Besides we were all jealous of your cute, adorable and now very maturely handsome husband, enough said.

Well today find that we have another Birthday to celebrate in Jordan, one of my besties, Donna’s son and also one of my son Max’s bestie. I have always felt that Jordan and Julia were more like my niece and nephew, as we grew up very close, and I often referred to them that way. Let me just say to know Jordan is to love him, and I have often referred to him as Ferris Bueller and Julia, was his sister Jeannie. This kid could talk his way in and out of anything, and she often was just disgusted with his behavior.  Jordan is still stuck in The Big Lebowski, Office Space, Super Troopers and many more movie lines that he quotes religiously as his bible. I am not up on what lines he is quoting as he has moved to Seattle and we don’t get to see him as much on a daily basis.  When I think of this kid I can’t believe he is a father of two incredible kids, Sam and Kyla, and a gorgeous wife Elayna, Its funny I could never peg her for the type that could put up with his shenanigans, but it all works. I can remember once when he worked for us during college and we were driving around while he was crank calling people and offering them a special Dildo in an English accent and it was almost midnight when he called his mother. I was dying when he was going through his routine and then at the end she says Jordan is that you?  I mean who calls his mother’s number and offer her a dildo, and why was I in the car and techie was driving. We once took a trip to Spain over Thanksgiving with his Mom, Max, and myself to visit his sister who was studying abroad and we stayed in a family hostel. I actually was annoyed with Donna for months after this because I am pretty sure I picked up a Kennel cough from this Hostel, similar to a pet staying in a kennel. I mean I agreed to a budget trip but she really stretched the boundaries on the budget, I was freezing every night. These boys were on more of a trip that resembled The Hangover and we were fed up with their partying every night and not waking up for all the cultural excursions we had planned every day. I can assure you Jeannie was not happy with their behavior, and was more than a little bit annoyed that her friends wanted to hang out with Ferris. On what was probably our last night at the hostel, we were awoken in the middle of the night of all these police running up the cement stairs, tap, tap, tap making all that noise. I poked my head out and saw them, and when Donna woke up I said it was probably our two idiots that were in trouble and just locked the door.  Well lo and behold, wouldn’t you know Ferris once again talked his way out of that little incident and they just got sent off to bed and I am pretty sure they all parted as friends that night. My son got married a little over a year ago and I remember Jordan calling me  to say that he had found the perfect gift for Max, he was over the moon, and had scoured the internet for it a T-shirt that I can’t remember the significance and a ralphs card. Funny now when I think of Ralph’s and you’re most modestly priced receptacle, I will wonder how many of these recent backups in the morgue are going down in a Ralph’s coffee container. I know that is cruel and but trying to find the humor wherever we can in today’s environment. I love this kid like he is one of my own and want to wish him HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!

Tonight my roommate prepared another meal out of the box and it was quite delicious and he also did the dishes. I am not speaking to him tonight and the temperature is very cool in this loft tonight. It can be wearing under any circumstances to be locked down in a one room loft, but add that to working together, and things start to get pretty ripe. I know I am pretty lucky to have him as he is very patient, can handle all my technology, greatest Dad, Grandpa and now we have to add cooking to his resume and he is just too incredible to be believed. My mother would be turning over in her grave right now if she knew I was having him cook and do the dishes.

Just sayin……….

Ralph’s card