Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 6

How are we all doing today?  I hope everyone is staying healthy and keeping their distance. Today was an absolute beautiful day in Boston today. The sun was shining and it was warm enough to shed your coat.  We did a fair amount of walking but had to keep coming in for those damn Zoom meetings.  The only Zoom I look forward to be my girlfriend happy hour and that is only a few times a week.  Tonight I was feeling a bit blue as this whole Shelter in place is starting to get to me and I may take it out on Techie.  I was thinking I couldn’t even write a short post tonight but then I was heading over to TJ’S aka Trader Joes for some lettuce and I ran into the only other elderly woman in my building outside dressed like she was pulling a major heist. She literally had a full scarf around her face, sunglasses, heavy coat and hat full disguise. I said what the hell are you doing and she was standing next to a car where her friend had the window down and they were having a conversation.  I was dying laughing of the ridiculousness but almost crying because that is what we have come to today.  On the other hand I was on my way out wearing flip flops, no jacket but some serious gloves, so what does that say?  I don’t want to touch anything, doorknobs, elevator buttons.etc.  So we are all going to be wearing some new uniforms.  Now I have become a big fan of uniforms in my old age, unlike my days of Catholic school uniforms where we all detested them but when you get older and don’t care it is great to have ago to…  Twilight Zone had nothing on today’s latest fashion.

So I get to TJ”s and for the first time there is a long line out the door, and if I knew how to do it I would be inserting a picture here right now, as my son Maxie says I should, but he wouldn’t pick up when I called so he could help me.  That will be a whole other story of why when you call your kids, they never pick up but if you text they respond right away, we are on to you.  I just wandered over to the small convenience store, keeping safe distance to get my lettuce.  Gourmet night tonight we had El Paso tacos right out of that yellow box kit and I don’t care what anyone says they are the absolute best. I used to make them every few weeks when my kids were younger and I thought I was Mrs. Cleaver for my cooking abilities.  Techie and I love them and haven’t had them in ages and I would highly recommend them as an easy meal.

Tonight I had my virtual happy hour and I wish you all could be there because it is pretty hilarious. Sandra is the techy in charge and tonight she said she wanted to do IPAD and half came in on IPad and half on computer, a real shit show, and my techie says it doesn’t matter, but fifteen minutes later we were all up on screen and a few drinks in but all very tired.  We generally say no talk about health issues because if you know people over 60 that conversation can go south pretty fast, but tonight they wanted to talk about Botox and Juvederm ( I need to investigate what this is) because everyone’s eyes were drooping, of course not from lack of sleep or stress but just because we are starting to droop.  Today the eyes and tomorrow the Boobs just bring back the Leisure suits and I am happy.

Sorry I have to sign off now it is late and Techie doesn’t have his steps in so while it is still warm and I am sober I am going out for a leisurely stroll.

Stay Safe,

Oh Ya I forget to mention that has anyone heard that poor Corona beer is suffering because people are &^%&^% to believe it came from a beer that’s almost as bad as calling it the China virus.

 Just sayin……………………….


Day 5


Day 7


  1. Kathleen

    I love those tacos too. I usually put a can of pinyk beans in with the meat. Delicious.

  2. Janet

    Love your comments and take on things!

  3. Dorothy


  4. David

    I can hear your voice as i read these….
    Stay safe

  5. Jane

    I just made those same tacos AND you are right…they ARE delicious! Trying to imagine you with eyelid lift, boob lift, tummy tuck, and bum cheek lift in a leisure suit. It’s the suit I’m having trouble with.

What do you think?

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