Good evening my Corona friends and hope everyone is doing well, and staying sane and healthy. A lot can happen in sixty days, but under lock down the most obvious is everyone is sporting longer hair, and a bigger pouch. Personally I always liked longer hair on guys, when I met by roommate back in college he had long hair and a big smile. Now he has hair growing out of a lot of different orifices, just not the top of his head. It wasn’t that long ago, maybe 40 years or so that I picked up this cute hippie boy hitchhiking to campus one day at UMASS, and the rest was history. Flash forward to today and we would never allow or encourage our kids to pick up a hitchhiker, but are we forsaken their future partner?  Let’s face it no one hitch hikes today, and why would you? We have Uber. We thought the world would be a scary place if we picked up hitchhikers, but nothing can compare to what we have today with this Corona virus. Who would have ever thought that going to a restaurant, bar or store would endanger your life?  Remember those D.A.R.E classes about the evils of marijuana?  True story, my cousin’s young daughter once caught them smoking pot, on the back deck years ago and she started packing her bag to go live with her grandparents because they were drug addicts.  They really had to calm her down, and promise to change their evil ways. I remember my cousin was so mad about those damn D.A.R.E classes. Well today I can tell you that the whole family will enjoy a bowl together now and then, after all it is legal in Massachusetts, and I hear the Pot stores can reopen for curbside pickup. Almost the same when I was back in college just meet up and do a quick curbside pickup. Now it is all so much more proper, and the sheer beauty of capitalism comes through. We can even get all kinds of little gummy treats to take care of all our little aches and pains, so much more civilized.

Speaking of Capitalism on my bike ride yesterday it occurred to me the people who are cleaning up on this pandemic are the sign makers. Everywhere we go there are signs posted about wearing a mask, keeping 6 feet apart, disinfect your hands, maintain cleaning of surfaces.

You need a lot of these signs and have to be posted all over places of business and even on the bike trail. Of course my favorite” OPEN FOR TAKE OUT” limit two to go drinks. We are all in this together and we may still be here tomorrow if you support us today. I really do applaud the people who the first few days of the shutdowns went right to work making masks, hand sanitizer stations, gloves etc. I purchased them right away and guess what? still waiting …………… I rarely purchased anything online before this whole shutdown, but I can tell you it really pisses me off when it says in stock, and you hit that button, here it is 6-8 weeks later and nada. It is a big thing for me to make a purchase online takes me a minimum of three times to put in CC because I always screw up the numbers or the zip code. I know I have set up accounts over these past months but I can’t remember the passwords and just sick of redoing the passwords.  I just want to go to a store that isn’t CVS or the supermarket, I want to talk to the person and not behind Plexiglas. I don’t want to do a live chat with the person at Flamingo face wax kit and tell them how much their product sucks. I still have chin hairs like a goat, and yes the packaging was nice but that doesn’t remove the hair. I am still working on my nonstick frying pan, last one didn’t work on induction stove. Atheleta has totally screwed up because they must have made changes without bothering to mention it, and the sizes just aren’t the same and all had to go back.  They really should warn people when they make changes on the sizes without telling you. I did order these cooling masks yesterday, I think they are like a gator that you put in the freezer and keeps you cool. I was in a panic as I already struggle with getting overheated. It hasn’t even been over 65” yet, so summer weather has me worried.  I can’t imagine what it will look like at the beach this summer, bringing tan lines to a whole new level. Memorial Day weekend coming up and I have no idea what that will look like, I guess I can watch it unfold on TV, because a lot of places seem to be unaware or unaffected. I don’t know if anyone saw it on the Fake news tonight but Mike Pence and the Governor of Florida were in a crowded restaurant in Florida today, sans masks, but they were filling their cups up at the soda dispenser. First of all that is a laugh in itself like they really fill their own soda cups but no way in hell I would drink from a public dispenser in today’s time, but wait it could have been mixed with Clorox bleach so I guess that makes it OK. I will stick with my Kettle One and I will do the pouring……..

Just sayin