Good evening for my fellow Corona friends and once again wishing you are all healthy, happy and sane. Today was an absolutely beautiful day and I hope everyone had some time to be outside and enjoy some sunshine. I hear it is very safe to be outside, just keep your distance and wear your mask. Things seem to be looking up but we can’t get to ahead of ourselves, one step forward two steps back.  I was on one of the many infamous Zoom meetings this afternoon and decided to go along the harbor and find a quiet spot, to be on the meeting. Now it is a regular occurrence to be around the courthouse with everyone having their own happy hour. All very civilized.  Walking back home later came upon quite a police presence with crime scene tape and all, lots of photographers and reporters. My first thought was it was about the College admission cheating scandal since the hallmark TV star settled her case today along with her husband. We have grown used to the Perp walks outside the courthouse, but I was puzzled by the tape.  As it turns out one of the reporters told me they found a body near the Barking Crab, big doings, as generally we only get to see the criminals walking in to court not anything actually happening here.  The speculation was maybe an overdose or Covid related. Well I quickly went home and showered and laundered my clothes, can’t be too careful and how wacky is that?  I mean the clothes were getting in the laundry for sure because I was sitting on a public bench and I guess that is the “new normal”. As it turns out the word up tonight was no foul play, so the Seaport can sleep easy tonight and they will be open for lobster rolls tomorrow. It’s funny how quickly the crowds will appear and the social distancing is forgotten when there are 12 police cars and the press out and about. I can report that all the policemen were wearing masks. Boston abides by the rules, sometime.

I was listening to NPR on my way home today and they were talking about reaching out if you need help for your own mental wellbeing. It is extremely stressful for couples, who are both working from home and trying to home school their kids at the same time. I can’t even imagine because I only have to share my space with one person, and most days he is well behaved and contributes to my wellbeing. I know he is dependent on me for all his meals, well that dinner in a box could be a game changer and maybe he will want to give me the boot.  Besides I need him to help with all my technology. Happy to report I did zoom on my own today. As it turns out they have been doing some surveys on who is doing what while quarantined at home and not surprising men feel that they are doing about 50%, and women feel they are doing 80%.  I am not surprised by this because they probably feel if they brought their dishes to the sink that is as good as doing the dishes. Dirty clothes make it to the laundry with all the colors mixed together, done. Doing the home schooling with the kids probably a game of Fortnight or some sports stats, lessons completed.  I know that they really are trying to do their share but let’s be honest rarely does it ever work out to be fifty/fifty. Now they are realizing there is really a lot more to it. What they were saying is when this stay at home work thing, started years ago, it was to accommodate working Moms more or less in the tech field. I am sure that they found that they could get the work done if it was flexible, and women got used to managing the home front and putting in the time. We can do it no sweat, but we aren’t used to having another person around as well and sometimes it may be like another kid. You know I am kidding right, today it is a lot different and the Dads are much more involved than ever before. I grew used to seeing the dad’s at the Children’s museum on Sunday mornings, must have been Mommy alone time, they loved celebrating the achievements in the bubble fountain or putting all the golf balls in a kind of skeet ball contraption. I wonder what everyone has been doing the last 8 weeks since the museum and the Aquarium have been closed. Apparently you can stream movies on Disney. I believe my grandson has watched Trolls three or four times. I hope they are tinkering with Dad or Mom, maybe some science experiments. MacGyver here used to tinker with Max when he was a kid. He was often blowing things up, albeit on a small scale. There were times when some of those bangs got pretty loud out in the backyard and we would have to shut all the lights off quick and pretend no one was home, while the police drove down the street, but thankfully never did any true damage.  I know much hasn’t changed for Max because I saw on his Instagram account today that he was gluing his wife’s coffee cup to the kitchen island. I am not sure if he was trying to make a point that she leaves these cups full of water around the house and it annoys him or if he was just being an Ahole. Knowing him I am going with the latter. I know my Maxi is definitely contributing more than 50%, as I often call when he is cooking, or cleaning or walking with Tilda, just doing it all. I am becoming like my mother when she used to tell my brothers when they were going on dates, don’t spend all your hard earned money on the girls, and then if the girls were going out she would say make sure the guys pay. She hung the moon on her boys and we were always expected to pick up after them and she would not have gone for this equal sharing or would she?

Just sayin