Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 619

Good evening my corona friends. I can’t believe 45 days have gone by and we are still living in a world where the plague is still the top news story and people are still whining and complaining about getting a jab. But this is the new world order and bullshit on the internet is where people prefer to get their medical advice and I don’t see anything changing.  I have ranted enough about this so I am just going to move on and hope one day they all pull their heads out of their asses and be done with all the bullshit.

I am thinking this is certainly not what I expected when I started to blog that I would have a day 619 as I budgeted for 100 days and thought for sure that it wouldn’t go this long but here we are. My two granddaughters have both lived half their lives under corona. In their classrooms at daycare, they all look like ninja turtles with their little masks. The thing is for them they are so used to it they don’t even think it’s strange and that is what is weird. I am happy that they both live in communities that support mask-wearing and look forward to the day when it is over.  Charlie is seven and he just got his jab and he was more excited about the skittles and the glasses they gave him than anything else but he wanted it as he is a bit more nervous about corona. On one hand, I really don’t like that they see this as normal, but then I am just grateful they can go with it, and someday they will look back at all these pictures and think it must have been a two-year costume party.

Techie and I recently ventured across the country to attend my nephew’s wedding and I loved getting on that plane, felt almost normal even with the mask. I have been tripled vaxxed, flu shot, and a vodka trip so I feel pretty safe traveling.  Of course, we land in San Francisco the day they are experiencing a cyclone bomb and the pilot told us to hang on for the landing, but actually, it wasn’t even that bad.  So what if it was raining so hard and debris was flying on our ride down the coast, we had made it across the country, and had been way too long since we had traveled. The next day was beautiful and we met up with our Memphis cousins and headed to Big Sur which is my favorite place on the planet. Techie and I have been more than a few times and I do remember we may have even camped in another life.  Well, we weren’t quite camping this time but it was a cabin, no room service, and no internet connection. Imagine we had to follow trail maps and just depend on Dorothy’s research and dinner reservations, good thing we had a planner. I pretty much like to just wing it and see what happens, but it was just great. A few days later we checked into a swanky hotel in San Francisco for the wedding and to my great chagrin no room service or spa treatments, oh the world can be such a cruel place sometimes.  I loved that the restaurants in the city always demanded a vaccination card and ID to match, I feel much better not being next to the great unwashed.  The wedding was a smashing event and even got to kick up our heels and do a little dancing, techies favorite.

Saturday night we even ventured out to an indoor venue for some live music and saw Mayer Hawthorne, maybe the oldest ones there by at least 20 years but who cares I have always loved the music. Started out with a lot of masked attendees but I found it hard to drink through that hole in my mask.  I am trying to be cautious but also live a life here and am glad I live where I do but not perfect.

At the end of this week, we are all heading to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving as our kids surprised us with a trip in support of Techies retirement. Finally paying off after all these years I knew one day they would come through and start taking care of the “olds’.  Couldn’t come at a better time as he had to take his boat out of the water and wrap it for the winter, no pit stops this winter. Let’s hope that VRBO they rented lives up to its pictures but even if a shed I will take it because I will be with Charlie, Maisie, Tilda, and the ever-new baby Gibster, just can’t wait to be with all my favorites.  I think I may be the luckiest person on earth and for a short time I can even feel love for the assholes, but it won’t last.

 Just sayin………………………..


Day 574


DAY 650

1 Comment

  1. Dorothy

    Love you Peg and loved vacationing with yall. Omg! This is going on 2 years !

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