Hello all my Corona friends and hope everyone is feeling well and safe at home. We were actually out late tonight and didn’t get home till almost 10 pm, I am pretty sure we broke curfew as it was after 9.  I am not sure if it is still in place but I think so. Never mattered before we were always home well before 9 pm. Today was a good day as after work we decided it would be a beautiful way to end the day and take Charisma 3 out for a sail. First we had to get the sails on after a winter of repair and that was a feat in itself, as I a first mate I am kind of useless, more of a rail meat kind of position on the boat. Luckily our friend Howie has a boat nearby and he was able to assist, socially distancing, as you cannot bring anyone other than immediate household members in the marina. We had some fits and starts but now we get moving out onto the water and what happens, alarms ringing and engine is overheating. Anyone who owns a boat knows the drill, something always goes wrong at some point. Luckily there was a beautiful and steady wind and we could sail around the harbor with our jib and it was just wonderful, except we had no beer or water. We hadn’t planned on going out so definitely not prepared, that is another thing about boats people just like to sit on them. In our case it is a nice half hour walk over, has a place to pee, so we can hang a while and walk back. It just reminded tonight of years ago even before techie and I were married , on Sundays he liked to go fishing with his Dad, who lived on the North shore.  He would say to me on a Sunday morning, do you want to go out on the boat today, and I always said yes but knew there would be no boat ride, just went along and sat on fisherman’s beach. I knew there would be no boating as they always seemed to be tinkering with it, something always was broken, and every once in a while we got a ride. They claimed to go fishing but I am pretty sure they were the worst at it, hardly ever came back with anything. I even remember one day something weird was going on in the harbor and the fish were literally jumping up out of the water and people were just going out with nets and scooping up so much fish, this crew maybe got one or two, but no matter they all loved it. Since it is looking bleak for his crew this summer I am going to have to brush up on my skills and practice my knots if we are going to get away at all this summer. I realize how fortunate we are to have this escape and I wish we could share with a lot more people.  Someday when it is safe you all invited for a sail and my roommate loves nothing more but to be a tour guide of our beautiful city from the water. Today was the unofficial start to summer and I am not sure when the official start is, but since they all blend into one, we can say that is officially unofficial. I hope everyone has some plans to garden, hike, beach, boat or work and it looks like the weather will be somewhat cooperative.  I can’t imagine how we are going to be masked up at the beach but the good news is they are not required to wear them while we are in the water swimming. I am sure that right now as we speak someone is inventing some kind of aqualung face mask, that is going to start showing up on my Instagram feed and I will probably buy it. I have ordered all kinds of cooling masks, suitable for beach or biking but have yet to receive them, sucker.

Well I am signing off early tonight because I am beat and after a great bit of time on the water, tradition has to be Pizza at  Regina’s and those carbs are sitting heavy right about now.  Tomorrow is my son-in laws Hugh’s Birthday so want to send him early wishes and also share a video his wife, my daughter, sent to me this morning and wonder if she is speaking about you, Hugh.

Just sayin..