Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 63

Hello my Corona friends and hope once again everyone is happy and healthy. Boy what a difference a day makes, and I am talking about the weather of course as it was a good twenty five degrees cooler than yesterday, so that was just a tease of summer. Today I did a Facebook live event, and was teamed up with Gary, a person who is just as inept at technology as I am, and together we flubbed it up pretty well. It took a few times of losing the internet coverage before Techie texted that we should connect to the Wi-Fi, and then we had it down. I actually have to give points to Gary, as I don’t think I would know how to start in the beginning, let alone keep going for an hour. I wish I could report that we were a booming success but we think we can practice a bit and will do better next time, since we are on curbside pickup for the next few weeks. Retail may be opening on June 8th so we are keeping our fingers crossed. For those who work in retail, it has to be kind of weird that you find yourself not working on Memorial Day weekend and of course the real bummer is that you can’t really enjoy it in the same way. I came home tonight feeling a bit blue as here it is a nice long holiday weekend, and I wouldn’t see my kids or grandkids.  I made a nice big salad for dinner and really missed that I didn’t have a place to grille outside. I know it is a first world problem but that is one of the things I miss the most from the suburbs. I had grilled fish the other night and I swear I can still smell it whenever I walk in the loft. I am glad I still have my sense of smell because when I stop smelling what I cooked for dinner the night before, I might have to get tested as losing your sense of smell is one of the first things to go, so I guess I can be thankful for the fish smell. Tonight Techie and I sat down to watch our first movie at home during this time of quarantine, that’s right after all this time we never watched one movie. I have to say we have always been ones that prefer seeing movies at the theater, and after tonight I can confirm I slept through the whole thing and woke up at the credits, and that is why I like the movie theater, as I usually stay awake. Now I can tell you, techie is going to go to sleep and I am going to start the movie and be up for all hours.  Totally OK as tomorrow is Sunday, and I have nowhere to be, just a date in the morning with my Sunday papers. Watching the news this evening I wonder if I am living in another universe, as I saw people waiting on line for a water park to open, Myrtle Beach was packed, as well as other beaches around the country. I know I live in a state that likes to say we lead the country is so many regards but frankly I would like to give up this lead, in a heartbeat. This of course would have been a time that there would have been so many celebrations going on around the city, with so many schools and universities. What a difference it makes when the vitality of so many young adults are absent from the city. Many a weekend I would hear the remains of the late night partying outside my window, not to mention the sweet smell of a now legal substance, and now we wish hard for those little celebrations to return. I hope I can remember that when things return to normal, whenever that may be and I may go back to bitching about the wake up noise. Please bring it…

This would have been the weekend that we were to have a celebration dinner for friends who were making the trek cross country, and start their retirement in Palm Springs. We can’t let our friends move without the proper send off and for now that is delayed, as well as the move. Funny at this age the biggest worry about the week long drive is what about the rest stops?  Will there be a safe place to stop along the way and until they are assured there are they will wait. I think this could be a new service of triple A, where they plan out one of those triptik maps with guaranteed clean and safe rest stops. I believe depends can only go so far, so knowledge is key.

I did have a bright spot in my day when my friend Pam, who was watching on FB live texted that she could meet up for short visit. I have not seen her since this all started as she is a full hour away and I have to get out more often, probably 45 minutes with no traffic. Anyway a nice treat and she brought me flowers, it’s the little things that matter.

Just sayin…..


Day 62


Day 64

1 Comment

  1. Millie

    Yes.. Missing those memorial day B-B-Qs☹️ Next year🙏

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