Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 64

Hello my corona friends and I hope everyone enjoyed this glorious Sunday.  I thought it was going to be a bust. It didn’t quite get to 60 today and it was windy but alas it was very sunny. Even though I was up half the night first finishing the movie I slept through, and then a few episodes of Law and Order. I was not going to sleep late and kicked myself out at 7:30.  Watched a little bit of Sunday morning and then got right down to business on my Sunday papers, along with a really nice breakfast I made for my roommate and myself. Some very interesting reads today on the new norm of social drinking, “walktailing” is apparently the new thing and is enjoying a big following all over the country. I guess in the beginning people used to walk their neighborhoods with kids and dogs and then after three weeks into quarantine they just started carrying their cocktails and making no effort to hide or disguise them.  I wish I had known as I thought I was very stealth on my harbor walks in the evening with my “yeti”, no need to make any effort to hide it. Police are saying they want to limit their contact with people and if it appears they are not harming anyone they are willing to look the other way. You know what this means, they may have been willing to overlook it for a few weeks, but since this is looking more and more like months on end, they are never going to be able to take away that freedom, once back to normal. Apparently someone has even invented a mask with a straw holes, to make drinking more civilized.  I guess the “packies” as we affectionately refer to liquor stores in Massachusetts are experiencing the day before Thanksgiving every day, similar to Groundhog’s day. The word is if you pace you’re drinking out during the day kind of like breakfast, lunch and dinner, you won’t feel the slam of having them all in the evening.  Well that just doesn’t work for me because if I drink a glass of wine during the day that calls for an immediate nap and I would rather enjoy my cocktails at the end of the day, for a day well served. Another thing that is happening is people are drinking less sugary drinks, which could often lead to hangovers. I never went in for those cosmos, they just go down way to fast and feels like a sweet juice, before you know it you have downed more than a few few. Sad to read recently that Cuchi Cuchi in Cambridge is not going to survive the Pandemic and I can recall quite a few blueberry or watermelon martinis over the years, R.I.P.  Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down, I switched years ago to my Ketel One or Grey Goose on ice and a splash of soda, no hangovers.  I pretty much have given up my beloved Chardonnay, my friend Celia and I could easily down a bottle or two, and shout how to our friend Linda who always insisted to the waiter just bring us one more glass we are going to split it and of course I can’t even recall how many we were splitting. Our Sorella Eileen and her husband John affectionately call it dipshit juice but hey what do they know? The same section of the Times also had a story of a young woman quarantining with her boyfriend after a sober January and how well they are doing and I say good for you just wait a few kids in, mortgage, and no me time, you will be right there with the rest of us, keep hiking and exploring young sober love.  Now that is not nice on my part and I wish the happy couple all the best and if you can get through this without the help of a little booze, you are a better man than I.

We went on a nice bike ride today and we were very happy that our friends Howie and Lisa called to suggest a bike ride, they are our quarantine buddies as it is just the two of them in the city, and I kind of feel that my suburban friends are more leery of us, but it could be just me. We went on a glorious bike ride maybe thirty miles, no hills, and ice cream break in between so don’t sign us up for a triathlon yet. We are in Lexington center and we spot people with ice cream so of course we want some. Lisa and I leave our bikes and go in search of ice cream. We find it and we walk in but turns out not allowed. Go back outside and order online, and anyone reading my blog knows that is not my forte but for ice cream I can do this and I get out my phone and with Lisa’s help enter the cc correctly and they say 45 minutes and of course I want to open the door of Rancatores ice cream and say what but I remember the incident at the Cape a few weeks ago so I wait patiently. We find out form other ladies outside later looking to order ice cream that the sign says if you are over 60 you can call on the phone and order it, finally a vendor I can relate to even if I can’t understand the sign. The ice cream came soon enough and I did manage to place the order wrong but no matter we all go a treat and our day is made. Funny how these little things in life are now the ones that bring you so much joy, my friend Donna gets so excited about Kelly’s Ice cream or a hot fudge Sunday , she wants for nothing else after this she will die happy.

Our hello Fresh box arrived tonight and my lover cooked a delicious tilapia dinner, following all the instructions and if this keeps up he may be onto something, what do I need her for?

Just sayin…


Day 63


Day 65

1 Comment

  1. Erica Tubman

    What are those cool tree house things?

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