I can’t believe it but has it really been sixty seven days since I put pen to paper for a few weeks maybe 30 days?  OK so I exaggerate as I am hitting the keyboard but you get the gist, a lot longer than expected. I really don’t know if anyone is paying attention to my nightly rants but I told Techie I am going to write something every night until we can say it is over and done. Now I am really worried. Is there an end in sight? Will I run out of things to talk about when I am really not engaging with anyone except yelling at the cable news station?

Let me start over Good evening my Corona friends and hope everyone is happy and healthy, it is almost like a list they post after an exam and we don’t want to see our names on it, yes we are not there, we get to see another day. I had an even weirder experience today as I was picking up the weekly supply of booze, plus some extra as we are taking a road trip.  A woman I had never encountered before asked for my license. I said no one here has ever asked this of me before, and apparently she is taking this job way to seriously because she wanted ID. Well no problem I go digging around in my purse and check  may wallet but I can’t come up with a license, I don’t remember the last time I had it out.  Now I am getting a bit frustrated, and even though it has nothing to do with it, it seems to me that this mask is impeding my ability to produce my license. There is a waiting line behind me but I am going to keep digging until I can find it. I pull out my senior pass for the MBTA, it has my picture and name. She is not going for it, as I tell her it is not like they are going to give a senior pass to someone under twenty one, but she was adamant.  Well this made me dig in even more, I was going to keep digging until I found it but alas I finally caved, and said I guess you can put it back on the shelf I don’t have it.  Well she was not totally without sympathy and lectured me about the next time I would definitely need that ID. Let me just say this old lady doesn’t appreciate a young woman giving me shit about not having an ID and threatening my purchase. I will be sure to avoid that pink petal masked woman next time. Car is locked and loaded for road trip tomorrow and I have downloaded that app about clean restrooms. This will be an absolute first for me as I pack lunches and snacks and actually plan ahead for the ride, we usually just overload the car since we are driving plenty of room and just grab a bite on the road. My favorite snack for long car rides is definitely salt and vinegar chips. I eat a huge bag and those lips just pucker up no matter how much water. I don’t know what it is but I only have these when on a road trip. There is definitely some attraction about that vinegar that keeps us awake on the road. My son always loved those slim Jims which even I thought were gross. If you brought that up to Max today, he would certainly shun them as now he needs to know where all his food comes from. He may need to have relationship with the chickens on the farm and appreciates knowing the farmers as well.  They are all such healthy organic eaters I guess I shouldn’t bring up all those rings dings and devil dogs they ate over the years. We all have evolving tastes but I guess my evolution was stunted because I am going to binge on ring dings and salt and vinegar chips for the long ride ahead. I hope there won’t be a lot of pit stops but no worries I have stocked up on depends. I figured if that astronaut could drive for like 36 hours in adult diapers I can do 8 hours. I will let you all know how successful the ride goes I am sure everyone wants to hear about my pee pee pads.

Well we had some good news today in the neighborhood one of our ice cream places reopened after a few months’ hiatus. This place is called Taiyaki and I really don’t get it but it seems they like to really drees up their cones as that is part of the lore. I personally prefer just the straight up ice cream but this place involves a cone with all kinds of part dress up clothes, but hey beggars can’t be choosers. Until Ben and Jerry’s reopens with my Cherries Garcia or the mini nutty buddies from Trader Joes, I will have to suck it up with these dressed up cones.

Just sayin….