Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 68

Hello my Corona friends and I hope everyone is sane and healthy. Tonight I am coming to you from a remote location. As you all may have surmised from my previous rants, technology is not my thing and every night techie has been setting up my computer so I can sit down and rant for an hour, or so then he comes in and does whatever he does to link me and also post my pictures, so let’s be perfectly clear he is the brains behind it all, so if you don’t agree or like something it is all on techie. If you like something it is all me. Today we took a big leap and drove to Philadelphia to see my son Max, Alana and our beautiful almost two year old granddaughter Tilda. You can only last so long without being able to see or hug you kids in person. I have to say both my kids were a bit concerned about the travel. That is why I put it off so long, they were worried about their Dad and that was mentioned a lot. I guess I am chopped liver, but we made it and so happy to be here. First this was a very big day as my roommate allowed me to drive, which is rare, but he wanted to be on calls and Zooms, so he reluctantly surrendered. Well I don’t know if anyone has been doing any serious driving but it was very easy to drive at 80 most of the way and I was just trying to keep up with the cars in front of me. Max called once to see where we were and I mentioned how hard it was to keep the speed low and he suggested speed control, as if I know how to turn that on while driving. I was a bit concerned because as you may have remembered I can’t find my driver’s license since yesterday and fingers were crossed that I wouldn’t get pulled over. I am not that worried as I learned a long time ago turn on the waterworks, and they usually let you go, local cops more than staties. But I will give it a try. Well we were making excellent time and only one gas stop and restroom. Everyone was mask compliant.  Big problem at the first stop they didn’t have the salt and vinegar chips! I asked and sold out. They did have all the required ring dings and Twinkies, but like peanut butter and jelly, it wasn’t going to work. Back on the road I was surprised that Techie still wanted to let me drive because I am pretty sure I was scaring him, but we were making such good time he was willing to close his eyes and keep on working. Well we arrived in South Philly more than three hours earlier than planned and I really had to pee. Only one rest stop all day. You have to really understand and appreciate the culture of South Philly.  It takes a lot of getting used to.  I have been doing fairly well but now I haven’t been here in five months so need to reorient myself.  No problem I get out of the car double parked in front of my son’s house and run in to relieve myself.  I toss a coffee cup and some napkins in the recycling box in front of this house. All the trash is lined up down the street for pick up later today. I come back out to empty the car, that techy has parked a few doors down and his the neighbor comes out and asks me what I threw in his trash?  Seriously dude I literally threw trash in your trash can and yes it was recyclable, is that a problem? Well apparently he is very particular what goes in his recycling bin and has had words about it in the past. He doesn’t even like you to place your bins over a line in the sidewalk which he considers his turf. Ok I promptly removed my trash and placed it in the next box, don’t want to start a turf war on my first day of the visit. You have to be able to roll with the local rules here and try not to stir the pot, like when people double park in the street for a half hour just be patient or back down the street, just don’t lean on the horn. The end of the street is a restaurant and even though they are only open for takeout during coronavirus, they still feel it is ok to block the street with their big ass SUV like they were in the secret service, or something. I am sure it is a secret something. I am a visitor here for a few days so I will try and play by their rules and I certainly don’t want to cause any problems in the neighborhood or do I?

Just sayin..


Day 67


Day 69

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Glad you are hugging max, Alana and little Tilda. almost 2 – wow

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