Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 7

Hello everyone and how we all doing tonight?  Hope you are healthy and happy sheltering in place and safe at home. I know we should somehow cherish this opportunity to have this time but you really have to talk yourself into it every day. Most people who know me would say that I am a workaholic and often hard to shut it down, even at home. I work hard and play harder, so usually that would mean a trip somewhere with limited internet access to get in the groove. But I think it has been two weeks of working from home, which is pretty ridiculous when you’re a retailer. Imagine getting very excited on a live chat, it’s like a friend popped in to visit.  Today is Saturday and I honestly had no idea what day it was when I woke up. I was thrilled when I realized it was the weekend. Had to check my phone to see what the temperature was, another weird thing about our life changes, where as in the past I would open the door and feel the weather.  I decide it’s time to dust off the wheels and go for a nice bike ride. Well to be clear, Techie went and pulled the bike down from the wall in storage and pump up my tires to have my chariot ready for me.  I have to go grab my gear out of the secret closet, where we stash our toys and appropriate gear, to dig out my biking garb. Now even in the best of times, me in spandex, it just ain’t a pretty site. But I am willing to don the gear every year because I ride in the PMC, Pan Mass Challenge, a ride for cancer that raises a lot of $$$, more on that later.  Lo and behold the spandex clothes seem to be a bit snugger than usual and I am wondering if someone has been in my gear.  Of course I left off the spanx today because who really cares it’s about comfort not fashion.  My techie got a kick out of me when digging out my helmet, I found an unopened package of Coscto underwear. I was leaping for joy because I can’t find them anymore and they have been literally the best granny pants, EVER! have to celebrate these simple pleasures.  Anyway I am geared up and ready to ride and take off on my journey through the streets of Boston in my spandex. I ride about twenty minutes and realize I am freezing. This was a real buzz kill, so I do what every wife does, pulls over and calls her husband to bring some warmer gear.  I think I may have mentioned this guys is a saint. So now I may actually look a little frightening with all the artic clothing and flames helmet but I am good to go for a nice long ride.  I ride all over the city and go places I normally never would. Ok I did get a little lost, but so exhilarating to be on the road with so little traffic. I was calling out to people as I passed them and singing as loud as I could, definitely just as I may have been released from a loony bin.  People, you need to say hello and smile make some eye contact. Remember “we are all in this together” God I am beginning to hate that phrase, why don’t we just say it like it is this really F’n sucks.  Just so you all know some of friends have mentioned that I have been pretty good on the language which is not my usual style, but I have decided I don’t want my grandchildren to come across these ponderings some day in the future and think their Grandma was a potty mouth bitch, so keeping it clean.

So arrived home this afternoon after taking more than a few wrong turns and with  this no traffic thing, along with so much new construction has turned me upside down on my ride.  I got home and Techie was working all day so had to make his own lunch and I was famished. What do I do?  Sweet Greens or shake shack?   Both within spitting distance, alas went with the SG and dam if I didn’t order my usual Kale Caesar, but hold the Kale, they gave me Kale and you all know how I feel about the Kale. I will master the app someday.  Techie’s turn to do dinner tonight and totally lucked out Shake Shack wins. He always said he was a great cook and he needed was one appliance in the kitchen, his telephone.

Just sayin……………………


Day 6


Day 8


  1. Georgia

    You continue to be a day brightener! And your kids will spill the tea…just sayin’

  2. Lisa McRae

    Love, love, love. your living in the time of Coronavirus blog Peggy! You’re making me laugh every day! Just saying………

  3. Barbara Rosen

    Next time take a selfie. Yes, I’m bored!

  4. Jane

    I have your blog for the morning. Starts my day off on the right foot. Thank you!

  5. Robin Stone

    I had a few chuckles, Peg! Keeps me going…..

  6. Elaine

    And our Mother Earth is singing with joy!

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