Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 71

Good Evening my Corona Friends and wish I had some good news to report this evening, but my heart is heavy to see what is happening tonight in my city, and it makes me so sad.  I certainly can understand the anger and frustration that has brought us to this boiling point I surely don’t understand the destruction, and how does that solve anything?  I mean think about it. We have been living under a Pandemic for the past several weeks, where life as we know it has ended, you can’t leave how without a mask for fear of spreading or dying.  Where are we going along with all this, so we could come to a point where we would not be recognized as we took to terrorizing and vandalizing? I surely don’t believe this was what we thought was going to happen. Just a few years ago Colin Kaepernick started taking a knee at NFL games and do you think anyone took the time to understand why he was doing it, no they would rather rant and rave that he was disrespecting our flag.  I am not saying that is 100% the fault of having a “carnival barker’ as the leader of what some used to consider the greatest nation in the world, but he sure gave voice to a platform of hate, and still continues to do so every day, along with that evil brood of his that he spawned. Right now today we have looked evil in the eye and it is bright orange, we need to temper down that color and it cannot come quick enough, pantone might help with a new color of the year for 2020 is Classic blue, a color that anticipates what is going to happen next and it is a calming color. Please I hope it is true and we can all find some solace, and surely hope we can make it to November when we can vote the mother right out of here.  Namaste Mother Fucker!!! I am trying to calm myself as I know I can get into a rant and a rave that will just not lead to a good place and still wake up in the same nightmare. It is the end of the world as we know it and I DON”T feel fine. Looting and trashing places are not going to bring any justice and only makes it worse for any sympathy.

We drove back from Philadelphia today and we were as happy and excited as we hijacked our granddaughter, and came home with her.  Ok so her parents came a few hours behind us in a separate car but it was a great road trip, I had the salt and vinegar chips and Tilda ate that Styrofoam air pop fake popcorn. She was a treasure the long ride home sleeping, eating and singing. They decided that maybe taking a break from Philly was a good idea and I guess we aren’t going to run away from this so easily, because we find it is following us until we deal with what is wrong with the world.  As I am watching the events unfold on the news tonight I can’t help but notice all these people with their cell phones filming themselves vandalizing and vocalizing hate. I don’t think that is how we are going to change the world and I am truly sad for our city, our children, and our country and for all those worried about how we are ever going to return to normal. I wished I hitched a ride on Space X yesterday…….

Just sayin


Day 70


Day 72

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Sad to see so many peaceful demonstrators invaded by crazies that choose violence and use the crowds to their purposes. What will be remembered is the destruction all over the country. Peace is the goal

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