Good evening my Corona friends and hope everyone is doing well, I just heard the news flash Tom Brady is coming out of his self-imposed retirement I guess he saw the future of how much he was going to have to pay for college for his kids, and giving for inflation better throw a few more balls. Whatever, can’t even begin to feel his pain with what is going on in the world today, with the poor people of Ukraine, yet we still have an Ex-president nutcase holding rallies about a stolen election.  Anyway, I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole as it just gets me all riled up and I just finished dinner.  First of all, I can’t help but wonder why I am so tired and it is only 10 Pm and we sprung forward, so I should be at 9 pm time.  I am going to drive Techie to the airport before 5 am tomorrow as this very happy retiree is heading down to the Caribbean once again for a sailing adventure sans Peggy.  I am going to be on my own for a while so any computer or appliance issues will have to be on hiatus till, he returns. Speaking of which I am happy to report that we are running our dishwasher for the first time since October tonight, yes it was only a few months old when it broke and since then it has served as a drying Rack. I washed the dishes and then just let them stack up and pretend they were going through the motions.   Lover boy was on hiatus from the box for a while but last few weeks he has been cooking but most of all making a mess in the kitchen.   While it was broken, we mostly had salads for dinner which basically meant cutting an iceberg lettuce in half and standing over the sink while we poured on the ranch dressing no dishes required. It took many tries to get the service guy here and with supply chain issues the parts never seemed to arrive, so they finally agreed to replace, and then they come and the new one doesn’t work. I felt bad for the guys we couldn’t even get upset with them, shit happens, just a lot more lately.  Well, when one is fixed another goes south and now our ice maker is out and I can live without a dishwasher, but icemaker for my evening cocktails, from the words of Walter, “this aggression will not stand”. MacGyver already sent away and received two parts to fix it, first try it doesn’t work and no time for the second because he is busy packing. I will have to stop by the 7/11 and get a bag of ice to tide me over.

We are only into the first few weeks of March and already we can’t decide how to prepare for the day. One day it’s almost 60 “next day it’s 50 miles an hour winds and snowing, really flips on you, almost like my granddaughter Tilda, one minute sweet as can be and then on a dime and Mr. Hyde comes out. Luckily, she can be bribed and saving these performances for an academy award.  I am hoping for some nice sunny weather for the next few weeks, as now we officially don’t have to wear masks in the city of Boston, and it is a bit weird, but heck I will take it.

I forgot how many Birthdays are in March and just too many to mention but the biggest is my namesake Maisie, aka Margaret after her incredible Grandma, my sister Debbie who is just one year older than yours truly., My second favorite niece Amy, Kyla one of my besties Granddaughter, plus her daughter Julia and of course Sean D has the same day. My great-niece Maya turned 21, my bestie Nancy and not sure how old, of course, if I don’t mention my sister-in-law Ellen, she may throw a hissy fit and I just can’t recall all this very minute so I would have to dig in on FB, but techie wants me to wrap this up as I am driving him very early in the morning.  I am sad that I finished one of my British series last night and they killed off the main character when they signed off, very sad because they do that a lot, the Brits, I guess they won’t be back. 

No worries We still have two more weeks of celebrations and I am sure there will be a lot more birthdays. Makes you wonder what is the big deal in and around June when all these babies are conceived and I am thinking it is the summer solstice that gets them horny.

 Just saying……………….