Good evening my Corona friends and hope all is well with you all tonight. Hopefully all have been safe and sound these last few nights and have not suffered any damage. It has been really tough these last few days and we hope to find the good in all of us, as we wake up each morning and try to live a better life. I absolutely support the protesters and want a better and just world for all of us, and most importantly the    future of our kids and grandkids. I found tonight that yes the future is now and judging by the amount of the Corona Puppies, people feel strongly about the security of what is next in life. On our daily walks around the city my roommate and I run into people with a new puppy.  Often it is a young couple who probably live together and are thinking someday they may want to have children, so why not pretend with a puppy. Sadly what they don’t realize that all this togetherness may be coming to an end soon and who is going to take care of puppy when you are able to go to brunch once again? The love on a puppy can wear off pretty quickly when you are the one that has to take him out first thing in the morning. Unless you live in one of these fancy high rise buildings that has these special doggie floors, where they have a secret way they change the puppy turf. Or better yet the latest scam are these diaper pads that you lay around the house and the dog pees on them. I am telling you they are absolutely gross, and how really smart people can fall for this BS.  We have had guests that use these and this is not even after potty training, but of course I forget that a different generation doesn’t read a newspaper so how else would they know about paper training?  They fall into the diaper trap and then they just can’t find their way out of it, destined for a stinky house.

I have to confess that Techie and I have had a few dogs during out time and they were both the most awesome dogs and pets one could ever ask for. When we had Garp it was an urban neighborhood and   he should have definitely been on a leash always, but sometimes it just didn’t work out that way. We would get a call from a neighbor saying if we were looking for Garp, he was up at their house and he already had a dinner of roast beef and mashed potatoes. My roommate used to say he was going to go there on all fours so he could get a free meal. He lived a great life until he was sixteen years old and suffered an accident with Auntie Judy, and was laid to rest in my Mothers back yard.  A few years later at the insistence and pleading of my son we decided to get another dog. First thing we did was go the same animal shelter where we had adopted Garp, figuring we were good parents and he did live a charmed life for sixteen years. But sadly we were mistaken, rules had changed and didn’t want to give us a puppy because we had full time jobs.  I said I could bring her to work, but since didn’t mention on my application, they weren’t buying it.  If only they spent more time approving people to have children, we may be in a better place.  Sadly we had to take a very sad Max home that night without that little sheep dog mix puppy. The next day I looked in the local paper and found we could get a puppy that day just had to pay about $50 for the shots that had already been given to the brood born on the farm.  We went out there promptly and picked up our sweet mutt Lucy, she had another name first, but I can’t remember, as Max named her but his sister was very upset that she wasn’t involved in the getting of the puppy, she was away at school.  Being the incredible brother that he was he let her name the puppy, as he was just so happy to have one, he didn’t care what we called her as long as he got to keep her. Lucy was just about the best dog ever and she had a long and happy life living with us in the suburbs. One of the absolute great things about living in the burbs is having a yard that you could have an electric fence. Couple that with a dog door and you have the perfect set up for lazy parents. Lucy had the run of the house and the yard and we never worried about accidents as she was always able to get in and out on her own time, hence we never had to worry about getting home to let the dog out and only used that excuse for extreme excuses. Lucy enjoyed the run of her domain and really only took the hit of getting zapped when Max and his friends were making their way down to the pond for that adventure she would gladly take the hit. When we ended up as empty nesters , my husband just always love coming home to have her bound out of that door and jump and lick him as so happy to see him. He often asked why I couldn’t be as excited as Lucy.  Sadly it was after Lucy   passed that I finally got him to agree to a move into the city and we never got another pet. I know he misses a dog but he vowed he would never have a dog if he to pick up their poop on the street.  Now they make all kinds of leashes and wrist bands that keep the little poop bags handy for you to clean it up, no Thank You.  I wonder how many of these Corona puppies have the kids begged and pleaded for actually have the kids getting up in the early morning to take them out and clean up after them.  I think I am pretty safe in guessing that Mom or Dad are doing the heavy lifting and why not they are at home, not going to work every day like in days past. I can’t remember exactly where I read this but a story of David Sedaris when he was living in France. I believe he was getting a haircut at his barber and all these old dudes were talking about how much they loved Jodi Foster and were admiring a picture of her.  They couldn’t figure out what she was doing in the picture as she was seen with this little bag and what was she picking up, imagine their disappointment when he spilled the beans that she was picking up dog poop……………

Just sayin