Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 75

Good evening my Corona friends. I hope everyone is healthy and I won’t even mention anything about being sane, as by now I am sure it is eluding us all. Here we are 75 days in which in and of itself seems ridiculous as you think back to day one and we were thinking a few weeks, few months, now we have no freaking idea when and where it will end.  Imagine you were writing a novel about a killer pandemic and then when you are getting to the end of it, throw in national protests that led to wide spread looting. Seriously you can’t make this shit up. I walk around downtown of our beautiful city and we are all boarded up. Just when we were going to get the go ahead to reopen, not sure what that looks like now. Have to go through plywood and barbed wire.  No matter there won’t be any retail left, some won’t make it, some will give up, and it will just go to Amazon. We won’t be able to leave our homes, but for exercise and groceries, everything else will be delivered.  Work will be done online and endless zoom meetings. Uber eats will deliver all the take out, no more dining experiences, all social visits with friends will be on Zoom.  My walls are starting to cave in on me and I was getting better as the weather improved, it is hard not to fall down a dark hole. We were visiting our kids in Philadelphia last weekend and after a night of wilding  we convinced them to come here for a change of venue.  There was unfortunately no change. I don’t think there is any escaping it as it is happening all over the country. What I can I hope is that we all pay attention to why this is happening and try and understand and learn from it. Please people, study hard, or we are never going to get out of our houses and feel safe again. 

I have decided that the dinner in a box that you have to prepare is not for me, as I have grown bored with it. The food generally has been very good, and techie likes following the directions and doing some cooking, but it has almost become a chore. We get three meals delivered a week and honestly it feels like homework. Now I have those bags staring at me in the fridge and have to done in a timely manner. The pressure is getting to me.  Another thing about them is I brought them over to my kid’s house to cook a few times this week, and found that you could feed four, when my roommate and I have eaten it all at every meal. Granted they were small portions that we could make work, like the fishes and the loaves. The problem for me is a sign up for these things on the internet and I am not sure even what I committed to, and how I can shut it off. I am going to have to ask Techie to look into for me, but first I have to try and remember my password. I have already reset it twice. I know it really is a first world problem when the biggest issue I have today, is who is feeding me. I was getting in the groove for a bit in the first month or so, preparing every meal for me and my lover but that got old and I think my place in heaven has been secured as I have already cooked more meals for Techie in the past few months, as my forty plus years of marriage. It makes you wonder how many of us could have made it this long, had we had the Pandemic 30-40 years ago, or ended up in rehab. Well there would have been no Hello Fresh getting delivered that is for sure. The closest thing we had was the milkman. In our time out in the suburbs there was about five years that we had the Milkman do deliveries. One of the best things was the iced tea in the summer. I would get several half gallons, as those teenage boys loved it and cheaper than orange juice. I hear the dairy deliveries are making a comeback and if we have the coronavirus to thank for it. We will take that as a win. I guess we have to start keeping a list of what we are thankful for as a result of this virus, my son said he got to spend a lot more time with his baby daughter that would not have had. Thankfully she is a baby with no siblings because that could have been a different story. I am one of eleven children and I can’t imagine what it would have been like for us if we had to quarantine for so long together. Let me just say only the strong survive, joking but not really. I know there would have been a ration on the toilet paper and we may have had to build an outhouse. I remember an old outhouse behind my Grandmas house as part of the shed and it had a row of three seats, small, medium and large. My mom said they always kept a sears catalogue so they never ran out of toilet paper. Well we can ‘t count on the good old Sears catalogue but wait I think we can count on an upgrade of the toilet paper with all those RH catalogues that come in the mail, finally something useful to do with them.

Just sayin

Thanks to my friend Jerry for thinking of me as he clipped his coupons,


Day 74


Day 76

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    I don’t remember seeing our Babci’s outhouse but remember our mom talking about having to go to bathroom in the winter. Also remember heating a brick and taking to bed at our Babci’s house to keep warm and wearing layers to bed to keep warm
    So lonesome during pandemic

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