Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 77

Hello my Corona friends. I hope everyone is happy and healthy enjoying their weekend. I actually woke up today and knew it was Saturday, even before I could turn on MSNBC and find no Morning Joe. I knew it was Saturday because was departure day for my beautiful granddaughter. Tilda was going to leave us and go back to Philadelphia, and yes her parents were going to be leaving as well. I wish I could have hijacked her for another week but this past week was an unexpected gift. I am taking advice from my roommate/lover and thinking of five things every day that I can be grateful for, and do some deep breathing. I am extremely grateful that my daughter who lives nearby was away in Maine with her family, which made her home available for her brother and his family. Trust me, I even have a crib in the corner next to my desk, and a sleep sofa, but five of is in this open space, we would never last a week, but for Tilda I would have tried very hard.  I know I have mentioned it a lot before, but I don’t know how these young families do it, working from home, schooling from home and just minding the kids. I and most of my friends are at a stage in our life, where they have retired and have their own routines and it doesn’t include the home schooling. Most of my friends have not gotten to spend time with their grandchildren, like I have, and just became part of the household. I tried really hard in the beginning to stay away but the need was just too strong and I am grateful for my incredible wonderful family, who let me break a few rules. It was a very rough week, and not going to lie, it was a bit scary, when the protests turned violent, but after many more days and nights of peaceful protests, I feel real change is going to happen and I hope we don’t lose this momentum. These protests are happening all over the country and all over the world. I have driven through small towns in our state and witnessed young people demonstrating for racial equality, and they were all white. Our hope for a better future is definitely going to lie with all these young people, and there is no way they are going to stand for all these old white men to decide their future. I hope we keep up the momentum and the teaching to make real change. I want that for my grandchildren and everyone’s children. I was stunned to see that guy that heads football, speaking from his basement or wherever, saying he made a big mistake when he didn’t understand taking the knee was a peaceful protest. No shit Sherlock. It wasn’t about the flag just because certain people wanted it to be about disrespecting the flag and never really trying to find out more about it. Well now they want to know, and I may be sarcastic enough to think they are trying to save football from total disaster and miss out on all the fat paychecks, but willing to give them a benefit of a doubt to effect change. I am sure tonight a certain person in the White house must be very happy as he finally has bigger crowds than Obama on the Washington mall, except the big brand new fence is really not that eye catching for photo ops. No matter, shoot it from a different angle. I am pleased to see so many of the protesters are mask compliant and most of the police are allowing peaceful protests to continue. One of my intentions I recite at night is that they remain peaceful, but persistent, for everyone’s sake.

Well it is all quiet in the loft tonight, back to just the two of us and we ordered take out. Techie insisted that his job is still to do the dishes, so I let him have his pleasure.  Tomorrow we get our dinner box delivered with our three meals, so back to being chef on duty. My kids really like the food and recipes out of the box, so they are trying it out in Philadelphia next week. Makes perfect sense for two working parents, more so than us. There is that convenience factor, and basically I am lazy and would rather dine out several times a week. Does anyone else feel like their life is about eating, and when you are having a meal, you are already thinking about what is going to be next?  I wish it wasn’t’ the case but it is totally true for me, and helps me get through the day. My friend Rozzie almost never thinks about food, and when I visit her I feel like a little piggy.  I practiced last time not to be the one to mention it when last visiting. We got up had coffee and went on with our day. 10 or 11 maybe little nosh a bagel, muffin a piece of fruit, nothing, zippo, nada. I was not going to cave. Finally at almost 2pm I said what about lunch, and she said I could eat, I was ready to gnaw her arm. Lets’ not forget she is married to Ed an incredibly talented chef with the best restaurant in the Myrtle Beach area and she could eat whenever she wants. Well maybe that is the key. If techie was a world renowned chef and he was at my beck and call it would be different with my salivating, but I don’t think so. But he is welcome to try.  I haven’t checked it out yet but I heard Ben and Jerry’s was reopening in our neighborhood this weekend and then my needs will be complete. I can kiss those little nutty buddy cones from Trader Joes good bye and get right to the Cherries Garcia. Oh happy days. Monday is opening day for retail in this state and it has been a long three months, so please everyone go out and spread some money around your local businesses and stop with all this online shopping. Save that for diapers and paper goods that take up too much space in the cart. Of course if you went to some place like Target you already had the run of the store available to you. I took my granddaughter there the other day to stock up on supplies and snacks for the long car ride. Of course we had to stash it out of sight form Momma. Tilda knows I have been delivering the goods all along to Maisie and Charlie, she can’t be left out.

Just sayin..


Day 76


Day 78

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Love those pictures of the kids
    And praying for peace throughout the world

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