Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 78

Good Evening my Corona friends and hope everyone had a nice weekend and stayed healthy. I am planning on going to bed before midnight and try and get some sleep as it is OPENING DAY tomorrow, June 8th, and no I am not talking baseball. Has baseball even opened yet? Tomorrow we open retail in our state and we are not limited to Target, Costco, or Walmart, we can go into any store we want and not just curbside, but the real deal.  Everyone seems to be concerned as to what it will be like, but probably similar to what we have been doing these past few months. I doubt there will be a line at Tiffany’s or Saks with someone counting and directing the traffic, while spraying your cart, but who knows.  It’s Corona time and anything is possible and reinvention is the name of the game. Time to get off the couch and your computer, and spend some $$$$ in your local businesses. If I may be so shallow how about a new sofa? Surely that tired looking piece you have been parking your ass on for the past few months needs an upgrade. I know I am going to need a wardrobe upgrade and may have to actually get dressed. Some of these outfits leaving the house I can’t believe. I used to wonder what were these people thinking going out in yoga pants with that rear end, but I shamelessly stuffed myself into them and paid no heed, I was comfortable, and no time for body shaming, we are under a pandemic siege, who cares about a few extra rolls.  I hope this attitude will remain as we start to come out of it and I am not going to look back at any pictures, well not true, so many memories.  I am sure I am not alone but now as it seems our time under quarantine is getting lifted and I am discovering, I really didn’t do  a lot of things I thought I might accomplish with all that time. I still can only speak one language, I was going to be fluent in Spanish by now, but laying on the couch watching Law and Order got in the way. I now can say that I have watched every episode at least 8 times and can tell you how many well-known actors had at one time or another had a guest appearance. I was talking with my daughter earlier this evening and she said at dinner tonight, Charlie my favorite grandson, started opening up about his trip to Disney that Techie and I took him on for his birthday. Apparently he gave a very detailed report about the trip, pools open very late, Splash Mountain, a Mickey cake that we had delivered to our room, things he never talked about much after the trip. Sure he said it was great when he first got home but like all kids not much more to say.  So thinking about what I was told was a long dialogue about his trip I felt that even for a six year old, referencing those happier times was a kind of therapy that happier times, would come again, and that is how we are going to get through this blip in the road. We will all be sitting around this time next year on a beach talking about a time when we all had to stay inside, had to wear masks when we went out of the house. We will talk about those who may have gained a few pounds, who learned to cook, sew or knit, hell we may be wearing some of those pieces our friends made for us. We could have a post Corona party and everyone bring all the masks they have acquired during that time, with maybe a big bonfire. After all they will need to go to the crematorium to be safe.  We will laugh about how when we all started to feel a bit braver that we brought our own lawn chairs , food and silverware to our friends house for a socially distant party.  I know we will look back and poke a bit of fun at some who were overzealous, and those who were bad about the rules. But today when we are with our friends and family, we will more likely bring up a memory of a happier time, and laugh and talk about how much fun it all was, and can’t wait to do it again, unlike the usual complaining we do, about familial obligations. Because that will give us hope that yes our lives may be normal, or what we perceive as normal, will happen again, and that is how we can get on with our lives. Besides the corona virus, we have to face the unrest in our country today, and vow to take it seriously and work for a change. I want to create new memories where not just my kids and grand kids can feel the joy about a trip to Disney world but everyone’s kids and grand kids could share the same joy without any fear of discrimination in any form. Now is our time to truly make a difference and create those memories for all to share equally. I am going to try and not complain to techie about minor things that bug me and try and concentrate on the bigger picture. Namaste!!

Who says you can’t have fun at the beach when it may be a bit wet? Find the JOY

Just sayin….


Day 77


Day 79

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Hope people are buying furniture

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