Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 8

How is everyone doing today? I hope all happy, healthy and more importantly staying put… Today was just one of those days you sometimes wish for, almost like a snowstorm, where you are stuck home and spend the day, cooking, organizing or just parked on your sofa with a good book or binge on a show. But now we are all turned upside down and every day is a snow day, so all the fun has disappeared. One look out the window today and I already knew without checking my phone it was not going to be a day to take a 5 mile walk. It was dreary and rainy. After a few hours with all my newspapers, I looked over at my roommate and said I am going to ask you to do something for me and you aren’t going to like it. Did you all notice he went from saint, to techie to roommate, getting a bit testy here. Anyway I decided it was imperative that we rearrange the furniture, that dent in the rug has been bothering me for the last three years and I need that rug pad moved today. Now remember this is a one room loft and a bit tricky to stand and move a sectional to find a spot to keep it while I turn that rug, but he is also very good at these tasks as well. A regular MacGyver if you will. We got it all sorted out and removed all the Cheetos and wrappers that have managed to live under the sofa. All kinds of now unidentifiable items were quickly scooped up and retired to the trash. Voila you have a new room and amazing how a few moves can change your life. I decided it was a good time to maybe leave the compound and go out for a few much needed supplies. I knew from my face time experiences that the basics were running low for my grandchildren. If I didn’t act fast their supplies would be greatly diminished. So I did what any Grandmother who wanted to remain in good standing would do in this time of need and sought out the best place to shop. I found a market and went in for the kill, I loaded it up with all the best food I knew to be important for the survival of my grandchildren or similar to a Woody Allen movie sleeper when they came out of their capsule and it was all health food. They said what about hot fudge and deep fat all the things that we know to be good for our survival, now replaced with Kale. I have told you how my grandchildren are being brainwashed into thinking this Kale and almond shit are being pushed as YUMMY. I felt it was my duty to get out there and do another survival run similar to these gun shoppers. We need to be ready. I went to a market out of my Zone and it was nice not crowded and appeared sane. I diligently filled my cart it had two levels so I put the great junk food and the top and mine at the bottom. Of course at check out it was indescribable which was mine, and what was theirs, but nonetheless I told the checkout please bag these items separate. I don’t know about you but it was a little embarrassing for me when she was running through Yodels, Ring Dings, Cheetos, chips, cupcakes, chocolate cupcakes, nutty buddies, you get the picture. She told me this was a judgment free zone and she has seen a lot worse. Grateful for her empathy I paid the bill and took my bags to the car and loaded up. My plan was to drop the contraband on the front porch and call later that there was a drop off, remember this is an organic or weird food household so you have to be stealth. I pull into the driveway and quickly run up to the steps to make a quick getaway but my grandson Charlie opens the door and I am busted. I say Charlie I am not allowed in the house but just making a drop. Now he is a very smart kid and he looks down in the bags and sees the contraband and he can be a sly one, and says ok just drop it. But then comes his sister Maisie who is two. She is so happy to see me that I just melt in my tracks. Hands up pleading for me to pick her up and I do, breaking the rules. I now stepped into the doorway and she looks to see where Poppa is and I knew I was in trouble. The best thing is right there for the ten minutes I spent with them. My kids didn’t care about the rules. We ate some cupcakes, potato chips, chocolate and candy and for this time it didn’t matter. Yes it would be difficult when I was gone and they had to lay down the law but I remember my Mom, mother of twelve, and often took care of all her grandchildren, the rule was what happens at Grandmas stays at Grandmas. The trouble is now in the time of Corona what happens is virtual so we have to improvise or deliver on door steps or UPS.
Just sayin……………..


Day 7


Day 9


  1. cindy hale

    You’re keeping me laughing each day. Thank you. I now have a much better idea of what ‘Techie’s life is like and Erica’s too. Might as well live each day like you do with such ZEST. xo

  2. Jane

    ❤ this. I felt your “melt” seeing Maise. I know the feeling well.

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