Good evening my Corona friends and I hope you all had a glorious Memorial Day weekend and thought about all you sacrificed for us to be on this planet. I was on a walk with my roommate this evening and stopped to observe all the flags planted and what a nice tribute to those fallen.  But I wonder about what a messed-up world we live in with all that has happened in the last few weeks and what is to come, and how the Fuck did we get here?  Sorry, but the times call for harsh language and nobody cares.  Memorial Day has become about Mattress and Car sales, and squeeze in a little reverence. We have just spent the last few years living through a Pandemic where everything became politicized and a million people died.  But God forbid our kids may be traumatized from wearing a mask, but mass shootings don’t register on the radar of the Second Amendment and our right to bear a Bazooka.  But have no fear because the cure is coming and it is called the Monkey Pox and it sure isn’t pretty, maybe that will scare some. Next thing you know they will be rounding up all the Monkeys and saying it is a left-wing conspiracy to take away our guns.

Funny how we can have all these horrible things happen in ten days and then the sun comes out and at least here we could enjoy a beautiful weekend. We are all suffering from Covid fatigue and really have no patience for it at this juncture, but meantime everyone is getting it.  Techie and I have stayed clear so far but honestly, sometimes I just wish I could get it over with and move on. I know so many people who have done everything to stay safe and they came down with it, now I wonder f it is worth trying to avoid it and just stop worrying about it, but there is the Monkey Pox right in front of us.

Techie and I like to wander the city and now that we quit the food boxes for the summer, we have to look for new places to feed us that won’t break the bank. We like to poke into places and see if we can find a seat at the bar, because we never have a resy, and if nothing else right now people like to eat out. Ultimately, I end up chatting with the person sitting next to me and sometimes I just can’t keep my mouth shut.  We were having some chowder and wine at a place nearby and struck up a conversation with a woman next to me, and couldn’t help but ask her if she was on a, and yes, she was and having a lovely time.  Then I overheard her date tell her about you he likes to get his news from and he liked Tucker Carlson, when he went to the restroom, I told her to run away fast and even gave her my number if she needed a place to stay that night since she was from out of town.  She laughed and said yes there won’t be a second date but I couldn’t shake it off, why are people so stupid and don’t they know it is only about the Benjamins?  He will say anything to get the ratings and the Money.

I really didn’t want to be so morose in my rant tonight as I want to try and be more positive but I feel we are living in an alternate universe and worry about my grandchildren. Do we really have to arm the schools and more security?   Living in lockdown for the past few years and now when it may be safe to come out it all turns to shit.

Tomorrow I am going to encourage more young people to run for office and get rid of all these old white men that determine our future.  I have been asking my daughter to do it for a while now, and I get it to try working with kids sometimes at home, sometimes in school, daycare closed because of Covid, and just trying to live life.

Please anyone under 50 and especially women run for something anything just get these old guys gone.

 Just Saying………………