Hello my Corona friends and TGIF, hope it is going well as the sun was shining, and we lived another day. I don’t want to get complacent but we are starting to step out and I absolutely love it. At the same time I am a bit worried. Are we stepping out to fast?  We seemed to have flattened the curve finally here in Massachusetts but now the rest of the country is feeling our pain or are they?  I know we were buttoned up pretty tight here and it is only recently that we are busting out. Retail opened this week and outdoor dining, so shopping and eating it is my oxygen, and I don’t know about anyone else but I was slowly evaporating without those real time adventures. Of course we were enjoying them as I learned to navigate the online shopping adventures. Still waiting on some refunds for my returns, so scaling back on that hobby.  Tonight we had one of our dinners from the box and it was Chicken sausage Bolognese and I have to give it an A.  A lot of the grade has to do with I don’t have to prepare it, my roommate has been doing an exceptional job and really seems to enjoy it, so I let him run with it. If I ever come into a lot of money I would definitely employ a personal chef who prepares super fabulous meals that absolutely had no calories, but living in the real world Hello Fresh, is the next best thing. I know I have vacillated about doing the homework but in the end it is a really good thing. Our neighborhood is opening up for outdoor seating and it is great to support these places that have been shuttered but at the same time they can only accommodate so many so we do the best we can and get a few drinks while waiting. Got to love those to go drinks, could be their savior. I am keeping my flask handy to make sure I can enjoy my cocktails the way I like them while supporting these guys. Ben and jerry’s has opened in our hood, so unless there is a reason we can’t step out in the hood, say good bye to those mini cones at TJ’s. Now we are talking about some real ice cream, Cherries Garcia, I love you.  Today was a good day as my friend Donna and I went to the beach without an umbrella, sunny and beautiful. This was a first for me, no beach sticker, and unsure of any parking we just headed to Revere Beach, and found a spot on the street. Donna jumped out of the car to claim that spot, and I never saw that girl move so fast. I believe the parking Gods were looking out for us and I am truly grateful. I will say a thank you prayer later tonight.  We had a great day sitting on the beach in our chairs, just the way two old ladies like it, blah, blah, blah all day and water was warm enough to relieve ourselves, and Kelly Ice Cream on our way home.  I don’t know if anyone else was on the highway today but there was something on the road that we have not seen in months, TRAFFIC!  It was both a relief but at the same time a total drag. I have been able to get to places in 15 minutes where it used to take me well over an hour. It is kind of weird because we had no warning about it, we could see dribs and drabs the past few weeks and then BAM, total beach traffic. Yes we are happy that things seem to getting back to some normalcy, but at the same time just not the perks, we have gotten used to with the light traffic. I do notice that we still have some of the biggest asshole drivers in our state, who think nothing of getting right up on your butt when you are both going 80. Obviously he is in a bit more of a rush than you, or the other dipshit, who won’t let you enter into a lane of traffic when they clearly see you coming.  I myself have to remain calm and remind myself this is why I could never own a gun. I know I am just kidding, but I don’t want to find out. NAMASTE, as my techie will remind me, and I wish I could react that easy but I will work on it for a better world.  I came across a few places today that people are creating their own happy place and both are very different but I think they work for each of them.

 Just sayin…