Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 85

Good evening my Corona Friends and I trust everyone enjoyed this beautiful day. This is the kind of weather I love the best, not too hot and no humidity. Today was a beautiful day for a sail and Techie would not be denied. He just doesn’t get enough of these, and we had the pleasure of sailing with our friends Nancy and Pete, who we have been missing during this time of a lockdown. Like I said we are all dipping our toes in the water trying to figure it all out. We can all be considered in that vulnerable demographic, over 60, so have to be a bit more cautious who we can let in our pod. We are all happy that we live in our state, and paid strict attention to the early rules of the shutdown, so we may be going into a summer a little bit easier. Judging by the amount of people out today and all the new Patio places just spilling over into any available parking spot, things almost seem normal.  We took a nice long walk this evening before dinner, have to get back in the routine, we have been slacking and ok it wasn’t that long, but felt good to move those legs . Problem being we thought we had plenty of time to grab dinner at The Barking Crab which opened its tent this week, but at 8pm the sign was up and it was closed. I was so bummed, I could smell those fried clams. I couldn’t complain because they had a sign that said BE Nice. They listed the rules, what the wait time would be, no more than 4 people at a table, and yes you had to be nice or you’re not getting in…tomorrow’s another day. Today was our box delivery, but we were just too lazy to make dinner tonight so we did find a place to feed us. I know first world problem, but at that moment it was important.  I can really tell things are different because not every day feels like Sunday anymore and you can kind of feel those Sunday night blues when Monday is coming and back to work. I am a retailer so often work on weekends, so I am sure myself and colleagues loved the weekends off most about the Pandemic, have to find the high points.  Reading my Sunday papers today came across a story about all the big shot journalists and where they are riding out the Pandemic. I guess a lot are really suffering in the Hamptons where they have to golf without a caddie. I don’t know how they prepared for that it must have just been so terrible. Apparently the talk among themselves is to be very careful what shows up on their Zoom calls or video, don’t get caught with a pool in the background or a yacht. I am sure not all have run out of town as a true journalist wouldn’t you want to be in the center of what you are reporting in the epicenter of NYC or Minneapolis?  I want to say that my roommate and I have stayed in our large one room apartment so we can observe firsthand first when the toilet paper and hand sanitizer was getting delivered to CVS and be the first in line. We were available to give firsthand accounts, to those who needed to know how long the line was at Trader Joes and Shake shack.  We could coax our friends to come on over to sit by the harbor, as public drinking was allowed and everyone was doing it without any cares.  Of course we had no vacation home to flee to, but we could walk or bike over to Techies boat and sit on it without a worry about a restroom. A few days on a boat and trust me this place feels like a mansion. I especially love my indoor plumbing. I know we haven’t had it so bad during this time, and I am pretty sure Techie is going to continue to put up with me, but I am waiting for the day I come home and he has moved onto his boat. There is not much in the way of Wi-Fi TV and with that head, it is a safe bet I wouldn’t be joining him. I am not sure what the word up is on divorces or break ups during this pandemic but I am sure for some it must have been very difficult. Luckily for me and my lover we are getting on in years and we could easily “not hear” conveniently at times when it made sense to avoid any conflicts and we could always blame it on “old timers”.

Just sayin……..


Day 84


Day 86

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Glad you could be on the boat

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