Good evening my fellow Corona friends and I hope you all had a great Monday. Today was actually a really fabulous day and to the surprise of some but more to the delight of many good news came out of the Supreme Court today. They ruled in favor of protection for gay, lesbian and transgender workers who would now be protected under the Federal Civil rights law. It almost seems silly that in this day and age we are still trying to figure this out. Really all we want is Justice for all. I know that for most in the millennial generation they have grown up with or personally know friends and family that may be gay or transgender and personally it isn’t an issue for them, but workplace equality is the bigger issue.  It seemed like a big surprise today that conservative judges would see it as an inequity in our society, but I say there is hope for our future. It is only a matter of time when the Congress will change it’s demographic of old, rich, white men and real progress will become the reality.  Tonight I am going to savor the moment and celebrate this victory for all those who have been denied access under the law. I am sorry that some of these people who brought the cases to the Supreme Court did not live to hear the ruling, but their legacy will live on, and we should celebrate this victory. I hope, my friends that you all sleep a little easier tonight and know that change is in the wind.  Let’s keep the conversation on race going and find more understanding.  Oh Happy Days…………………….

Just sayin

And speaking of changes. Would ya look at this!