Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 89

Good evening my Corona friends and foes and hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful day, and guess what you get to celebrate another beautiful day tomorrow. Now that summer is upon us I am sure we all wish we could figure out how to keep the shutdown in place, but only for work related activity, and a nice big beach for all to enjoy with 12 foot circles. Today was an absolute great day for those who have been living under DACA. The second time in a week that the Supreme Court gave us great news. Gives me hope for the future. If we can make it through this Pandemic and a November election, things just might be looking up. I can’t imagine the fear these young people have been living under these past few years, wondering if they would be forced to leave the only country they have ever known, to return to a place they have never been or even speak the language.  I heard some of them interviewed on the radio today and one of the guys said he didn’t even know he wasn’t an American citizen until he was eighteen, and needed some papers. His Mom then told him they came here illegally when he was one year old. He holds a very good job here and still some would prefer to see him get deported and then try the legal way, REALLY.  I just wish we would just grant them all Amnesty and let them go on and live their lives not under stress and fear. I honestly don’t know how we became viscous and vile in this country, but with all this unemployment coming up I am sure it will only get worse. Namaste!!!

We had our grandchildren overnight last night and my roommate is giving our 6 year old advice about thinking of five things to be grateful for every day. First time it was easy, mom, Dad, Maisie, Rex [dog], Lais the babysitter, we didn’t even make the cut. Today of course it was different because he was at grandma’s house and I have a YES button, purchased at a novelty store. It is there for Charlie to push whenever he wants anything and it is amazing he doesn’t abuse it. Basically he asks can I watch a fire truck video, and he pushed the button the answer is always yes. Can I have a sour patch kid, what do you think?  Can I have one of those mini ice cream cones, push the button. Can we order Trolls 2, push the button.  He really doesn’t want to push it very often and I don’t know where he came from. His mother wasn’t much of a rule breaker and goody pants, unlike her brother who would have blown up that button in the first few hours. Just goes to show that often if it is offered, instead of denied you will take only what you need.   That is exactly how I have been dealing with how much Ketel One to drink during this time. The dam has been opened but there is only so much you can drink and like I have said going out will be hard with those weak pours. Walking around our neighborhood it is really coming to life and so many people are out and about. Restaurants have expanded their outdoor seating into every available parking spot and you just want to join in the fun, but you wonder is it safe?  I wake up at night with nightmares of forgetting my mask and not washing my hands often enough and wonder is this what retirement will look like. I just better keep working, so I can still count among the living with a place to go every day. Oh yes I can tell you being a retailer there is no working from home, and the dream team that techie I lived for a few months was gladly put to rest, once stores reopened. He sure does know his techie stuff but merchandise not so much, for once he needed me for those answers, and I guess he will keep me a bit longer.  He did prepare dinner tonight from our box delivery and it was quite good, he is getting better and better.  Even the mess in the kitchen was minimal tonight. I am cutting back to only two days a week on the delivery of meals, not because it is not good, but starts to feel like you have a paper due and have to get to it, and have always been a procrastinator. Talking to my nephew and his family tonight on my way home and Mike, Delaney, Jackson and Jill were on their way to pick up take out, while I told them I had a personal Techie cooking my dinner. Anyway I was intrigued by their dinner choice in Raleigh, North Carolina, Poke Burri. They were getting Sushi corn dogs. Now I love corn dogs and couldn’t figure how you could get sushi in a fried corn dog. Nonetheless they claim to be delicious, along with sushi Nachos, which I have had just the other night at Lola 42. Well imagine my delight when I googled them and as it turns out they are expanding to Boston. Didn’t say where or when but imagine it is probably not the best time for restaurant expansion but I know they will be very welcome here in our fair city.  Corn dogs and doughnuts will do very well here…………

Just sayin


Day 88


1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Love that yes button

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