Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 91

Good evening my Corona friends and hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful day. Summer has definitely arrived. Techie and I just came back from a nice long walk and ended up dining out in the streets of the North end tonight. There were just so many choices we had to stop. Besides we knew there was no dinner box at home, and haven’t had a trip to Trader Joes this week, only for the mini cones, for grandkids. We just wanted to get our steps in and walking the Greenway we were very thrilled to see that the water fountains that spray, and cause you to do a little dance to avoid the spray. I always love the run through this with Charlie, and I remember to bring a towel in the stroller. Can’t wait to bring Maisie. I was afraid that under Covid they wouldn’t be operating and tonight there were more than a few adults running through it. Everyone just wants to cool off.  Signs of life, and almost normalcy is coming back to our beautiful city. The plan was just to do a stroll and then maybe grab a slice of pizza, but the allure of sitting down at a table with a proper cocktail served to you by someone other than yourself was just too hard to ignore. We ran into some friends at a table next to us, well actually the Maître D asked these young women if they wouldn’t mind moving as he saw that we knew Rick and Colleen. Talk about service. It is really nice to be among the living and seated at your table no need for a mask. I have to give a shout out to the servers as they really hustle running in and out of the restaurant to serve their patrons, who are literally in the street. I don’t know if they are going to give up this patio space, when the time comes because it sure seems like people are enjoying al fresco dining for sure. Walking back home the city still is buttoning up early as it was 930 and the Barking Crab was already closed, not sure about the Cisco Brewery beer garden that opened up yesterday but pretty quiet on the streets. Trillium closes at 9 so I guess we are collectively still trying to maintain some semblance of keeping everyone off the streets. I am happy to turn in earlier if that is what it takes to keep flattening our curve. My roommate and I both agree that we are happy that we had such strict guidelines for the shutdown and more importantly people followed the rules. It wasn’t always something people could agree upon, tough to close businesses but now we are seeing the results and feeling safer, every day. The Dude Abides. I am not going to lie, I am feeling just a bit giddy tonight, when I turned on CNN to hear about Tulsa and the brief bit I watched showed a much smaller than expected crowd. I am doing a happy dance but not going to gloat too much, but definitely want to give a shout out to the youth of America who apparently flooded the campaign for tickets tonight with no intention of showing up. Please kids keep it up and please show up to vote in November.

Just sayin……..



Day 92

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    Love that the north end has opened up and people are out

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