Good evening my Corona friends, another rocking Tuesday and hope everyone is safe and well. Apparently we have done all the hard work and our state is continuing g to trend in the right direction.  Probably the only time that we like to see a downward trend because we are so competitive we can only see results if we trend upward.  Well the good news is that I read today that for the last three months most people have avoided going to Doctor appointments and avoided any kind of medical visits. Well the news was I think pretty darn good, there was no alarming stats about not having the care or visits. I have always avoided as much as possible to have a Doctor visit and as a result, most anything serious had to be handled in an ER visit when I couldn’t avoid it any longer.  I learned this from my dear departed Mother who I knew went to the Doctor at least twelve times as she had twelve children and didn’t visit again for almost forty years. Ok so that last visit wasn’t a good thing but I doubt it would have made much of a difference. Think of all the time you saved by avoiding these visits. I got to thinking about when our kids were little and if they spiked a fever you wanted to take them to the Doctor, but thankfully I had my techie who always went along and questioned the reasoning behind the pink medicine for whatever ails you, ear or fever.  He was always more of the ilk to let it goes the course, unless deemed extremely necessary. Personally I know the Docs found it refreshing, because according to them parents were demanding the pink stuff so they felt more obligated to give it out. So now it must be a real dilemma because there is no pink, green, red or orange that they can prescribe for Corona so best just stay away. They are doing a lot more tele-visits, now this is something I could get behind.  I used to use WEB MD to solve all my maladies but I guess I could have a quick call with a nurse practitioner and she could write the script for my Cipro should any flare ups occur. Ok I am sure there is too much information here and we should move on to a more important subject, like deodorant or antiperspirant?  Like everything during this shutdown I have begun to question my grooming habits or lack thereof?  I am not sure if I was forgetting to use deodorant as a lot of the time during lock up I wasn’t even getting dressed, and thought nothing of going to Traders in my jammies.  Well now I am out and about and back to work but unfortunately I think I may have been giving off some body odor. I am going to have to make sure it is a part of the daily ritual of grooming. I was playing hooky today and went to the beach, where I detected I may have been a bit stinky. This started a discussion of what is best a deodorant or antiperspirant, one stops the sweating and the other the smell. One has aluminum, which I guess is bad for you but I forget which is which. Anyway just like your mask is something I can’t leave the house without I will add deodorant to the list.  So yes I had a bad day and went and parked my ass on the beach for a long time today and then topped it off with a trip to Kelly’s ice cream at the end of the day with a nice twisty cone.  Julia [Ferris’s sister] previous blog, was visiting out of NYC, where she had been in a much tighter lock down than we have been experiencing. So a proper beach day was in order and I was happy to oblige. I don’t know about anyone else but getting a bit of a tan, I do feel at least 10 or twenty pounds lighter. I know getting to much sun is bad for you and my kids get upset with me, but they don’t need to tan to appear thin, they already are thin.  People will tell you that you look terrific and healthy because you got some sun, when we know that skin cancer is on the rise, but dam it feels thin, at least for a few days. Well now that I am looking a bit closer in the mirror I see I am once again beginning to resemble a Billy goat with my chin hairs.  It’s been five years since Sarah left me high and dry, to start her own business and taking care of the Billy goat was job security, I guess it just became too much for her. I am going to have to ask my roommate for assistance but between the two us we don’t see as well anymore.

 Just sayin

P.S. getting close to 100 days and I am putting the word out if anyone wants to write a guest blog one day, I am game.