Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 95

Good evening my Corona friends and as always I hope you are happy and healthy.  I am grateful for just another day of being symptom free and enjoying life. I was going to be brief tonight as I have been out to dinner with my nephew and it is late.  I haven’t seen Sean since we celebrated his Birthday back in early March and he does live quite close. He has been actually very good about the sheltering in place and has let very few people into his pod, so kudos for that and being safe. We were at an outdoor dining spot on the waterfront and it was a beautiful night, but for a few rainstorms. I got there a bit earlier than Sean and I had the pleasure of listening to a major asshole at a table nearby.  You can’t make this shit up but he was on the phone yelling so everyone could hear him about taking a rental in Beverly Hills for $40,000 a month and don’t worry he is a friend of Josh Altman of Millon dollar Listing in LA so he knows it is a good deal.  Then he proceeds to call Daddy on the phone. Who knows it could have been the weather channel that is what we would have done.  I kid you not he is yelling on the phone to Daddy that we own half this restaurant and I got a shitty table.  He is taking a picture of the host telling him he is going to lose his job. I have no patience for this and I go take a picture of him and when he asked what I was doing I said just going to post what an asshole looks like.  Now normally I wouldn’t bother with this but since he treated everyone badly. host, waitress and busboy I felt compelled to call out any assholes. Just stay home and tell yourself how important you are, and someone may believe it.  Remember we are all in this together and renting an expensive house is not in the cards for many people and who knows probably not in your cards either.  NAMASTE!!!

Anyway a nice night out on the patio and sat through a few rain drops but just felt good to be outside and we were rewarded by this beautiful rainbow…………….

Just sayin


Day 94


Day 96


  1. Colleen O'Connor

    Peggy – this is what I love about you!

  2. Judy

    Glad you called out the asshole and happy he did not have a weapon
    Wish those people could stay home because they are so much better than anyone
    Especially when they are rude to servers
    Love the rainbow

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