Hello my Corona friends an hope you all lived to see another day, happy and healthy. I got a little fired up last night so today I practiced some deep breathing and meditation. Let’s face it there will always be assholes in the world and I have to try hard not to become one of them. I have had a lot of practice, as I may have mentioned I come from a big family and I do have five sisters. Yes that is correct I am lucky enough to have these five terrific women in my life and fortunately we align politically but personalities differ widely.  Ann is the oldest and she can tend to be very bossy, but she is also the only one that moved out of state so we don’t have to take the orders, too seriously. When I was younger she used to say make me a cup of tea, I changed your diapers when you were a baby, trying to guilt me into waiting on her.  She didn’t understand that I can’t be guilted into anything. Of course now when I bring this up she will say I never said or did that, but we know differently. Then there is Judy, oh it would take a lot to explain her, but even though she drives all absolutely crazy, she has a heart of gold. She likes to talk a lot and she always needs the “details“. She can go off track pretty quickly and before you know it she went from a story about her friend and now we have moved on to that friends, sisters, brothers cousin, who once lived next to Susie’s uncle, who was married to Dorothy, and we have no idea what the hell she is talking about. I do love her but maybe because she lives alone, she just has diarrhea of the mouth or as a friend once said working with your sister is like having the radio on all day, but no off switch. Patty would be number three, and she has always been the one we could say was most like Mom. She always hosted the holidays and cooked great meals, even going so far to deliver meals to my two brothers that were bachelors, just filling Moms shoes.  Judy will often say to me have you spoken to Patty lately she hasn’t been able to reach her, I want to say she probably doesn’t pick up because she doesn’t have a half hour to listen, and she won’t know any details. Patty actually retired the minute she found she was having a grandson so she could be a full time Grandma, something she wasn’t sure about as having two daughters who got married late. She is the best Babci to Donovan.  Probably a good thing he doesn’t have any competition. Next in line is Debbie and oh how to I describe her, well I always thought of her as Maude as in the movie Harold and Maude. She is a bit eccentric but so warm and loving. She always took all the nieces and nephews on joyrides and extolled the virtues of her crystals. When my kids were young she even gave each of them their own crystal ball along with a little cloth to keep it covered. She lived with us for a short time years ago and even called late one night, to say she forgot to cover her crystal and please be sure we do because it could start a fire.  She retired a few years ago but she recently went to work at Amazon part time, because she was bored and doesn’t understand why we want to keep her apart when she goes to that distribution center every day. She has become a super great aunt to my grandchildren Charlie and Maisie, and their parents had to put the Kibosh on all those packages, as they try to live a minimalist lifestyle. That is just too difficult when kid is addicted to Legos. I would be next in line, and then there is Kathy who is the baby girl of the family. It is definitely hard to be number eleven out of twelve and you sure don’t get the recognition because we have run out of steam and Judy is still talking. I think she should run for office she is one of the most politically astute people I know and she seems to thrive on it, and I say Kathy it is not too late. Look at the age of these people running they practically have one foot in the grave, give them a boot. We are lucky because we still do talk to each other, and generally like hanging out together. I wished I had kept a better journal of stories from growing up because I notice now that we all have different versions of our family history.  It’s a wonder when you hear these different versions, were these people in the same family?  I can tell you it is a generational thing as they were so much older, that they must be senile and can’t really remember. I on the other hand still think I am twenty nine, but if only my body would cooperate, now it takes a while to stretch and move around in the morning to get all the kinks out.  Now that the time has passed I often wished I had more kids, because they are missing out, but everyone always sys they couldn’t afford it. Believe me my mom never thought if she couldn’t afford it, God know she sure couldn’t but somehow we made it. So I guess my kids better get cracking if they want to catch up to Grandma.

 Just sayin