Good evening my Corona Friends and hope everyone is doing well, TGIF. I just had a fabulous dinner prepared by my own personal chef, who is getting really good with those dinners in a box props. Kudos for techie, broadening his horizons, and I am going to give a little praise to myself tonight as well, as I  managed to get to the right page tonight all on my own to start this blog.  It only took 97 days to make progress, but hey Rome wasn’t built in a day. I want to give a shout out to all my fellow citizens from the great state of Massachusetts for doing the hard work and flattening our curve.  Now let’s not do anything stupid like they are in some places south and west of us and going out before they have control. We have been in lockdown for a good few months and I don’t want to go backward, so let’s all behave. My roommate and I just took a nice long walk and I have to say all the Millennials are out and waiting in line to get into the Beer Gardens. I can’t say I blame them, the weather is beautiful, been cooped up and just want to go out and play, but please wear a mask, and remove only for drinking, as in my case no mask. Anyway, it occurred to me when I look back at what I have been doing these past few weeks, some might get the impression that I am enjoying this lockdown.  I have managed to see friends, take long bike rides, but the best thing is the restaurants are open and I have been enjoying a lot of al fresco dining.  It makes me wonder if I may prefer to live in a different climate, but I can’t see it my grandkids are here and I like living among the lefties or liberals.

Last night I had the great pleasure of spending time with one of my besties, Celia, who I hadn’t seen in many months. I know I speak for most women but there is nothing better than girlfriends and men just can’t get it. I recall once on a trip where there were a few of us, and the ladies were just sitting around blabbing for hours and I heard my friend’s husband ask her later what could you possibly be talking about for so long?  Obviously he doesn’t understand girlfriend culture and we never run out of conversation. It doesn’t hurt that my friend has a great summer home right on the water and we could just sit outside on her beautiful deck and polish off a few bottles of wine. Considering we were sitting out there for about five hours it may have been a bit more than a few.   Celia and I have done a lot of traveling together and I can say we have been around the world a few times together so we have a lot to talk about. Last night sitting out in the dark we could see the flight path from Logan airport, and being the airplane enthusiast she was watching Flight Radar and reporting to me where the plane was coming or going from.  We could start dreaming about past and future trips, and she was giving me the low down on what kind of plane was flying in from Atlanta and what airline.  The one that did give us a laugh was when she read it was going from Boston to Indiana, now nothing against Indiana but a direct flight out of Boston seemed unlikely until she found it was FedEx flight. We both love to travel, and I have been lucky that she has planned so many of our trips and that my roommate always wished me well and told me to go, no problem. I think he was looking forward to quiet time and no TV in the middle of the night.  Although we did once live in a house with more than one room and actually had a lot of bathrooms, it seems like a lifetime ago, and no matter what I still love it here. I am grateful every day that I can expand my shelter in place parameters by mooching off my friends and family. I still have a few people that I haven’t hit up yet so I will have to plan it well.  I just hope my roommate keeps me on as his first mate and I may have to sharpen my skills to see that he does. Meanwhile lucky to have friends with a house on the sea and let me spend the night so I may wake up to coffee on the deck.

Just sayin