Holy Shit my Corona friends we are into this 98 days and counting and almost time to say goodbye. I thought this journal would be 30-60 days and now I think 100 might be a good ending point, but we will see how it goes. Techie and I had a busy day running around doing errands and a little shopping, well I did some shopping. I must say it was kind of stimulating to walk into a store that wasn’t a grocer, CVS, or take out and make a purchase. Please remember all of you, support your local businesses, and get off the internet. You can carry home your purchases and some of these stores have some very nice bags that you can reuse. How many of you are reusing those Amazon boxes? Not many I believe as I see so many of them flattened near the dumpster every week. I think Amazon should send their cardboard recycling team to pick up all those boxes. I would sure feel better about it. My roommate and I just came back from a very long walk around the city and I can report life is different than a month ago during the height of the Pandemic. We had planned to take my nephew Matt and his girlfriend Eleece, who just moved here out to dinner but looked like rain was coming so no al fresco dining. We are just not ready for inside yet, but then no rain came so techie said we should do some walking, no dinner plans, and no box tonight. Update on the box dinner deliveries, my son and family enjoyed them for a few weeks but tonight told me they have to cancel because there is just too much waste in the box with all the little packets of measured spices and sour cream, way to guilt Mom, just as Dad was getting the hang of it, and now we will have to cancel. Anyway back to my evening walk, the rain never came and we were out a lot longer than expected and I wasn’t prepared, no depends, but things are certainly different. We used to do our daily walks and seldom see anyone but things are opening up here and every restaurant has moved their tables to the sidewalk or street but now they can also have a few tables inside as well. I Didn’t feel comfortable asking to use their bathroom nor did I want to, have to work your way up to that. I read something weird today about toilet plumes when flushing the toilet. This shit is so weird. Please tell me in a time not too far in the future we will be laughing about all of this, please!!! It is a Saturday night so the streets are not as alive as they would be but certainly more so than a few months ago and nice to see. People seem to be enjoying dining in their new barricaded dining room on the street. It seems to be the new normal. I am just happy to see and hear some level of normalcy, so we can all adapt and not go off the deep end. It has been a struggle for so many people, and unlike me, Vodka doesn’t work for everyone. We got hit with a pandemic and then a few short weeks later we all have to face a far bigger problem of systemic racism in our country and how are we going to clean it up. I believe we have some momentum here and we have to find the solutions now and not let it go back to sleep to resurface another day. Wearing a mask will help stop the spread but not what no one wants to talk about, is uncomfortable, so let’s all get on board and work together. First let’s all pledge to say hello, good morning, or whatever but just greet your fellow human beings when you pass them in the street or help you in the store. I am sick of hearing that southerners have all the hospitality when they say “bless your heart” and that means F U, and we get all the bad press about being cold. Hell, I will give you cold, but mostly I like to be nice unless you are an asshole than you get whatever I am handing out that day. So listen to all you Bostonians take the challenge and everyone you pass in the next few days say hello, they can’t see behind the mask so the smirk will wear off, a good time to practice. I want to hear how it all worked out for you all, Bless your heart.

Just sayin