Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day 99

Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around 98 bottles of beer on the wall. I don’t know what it is but I had it in my head that if I made it to 99 I was going to do the beers on the wall. Now that I am here it seems so anticlimactic. Sure we use to sing this song on the bus on the way home from sports events and we thought it was hilarious but also we didn’t need to worry about the words, we just had to be able to count backward. Well, I wish it was that easy today and we could just count backward and erase what we have all been through but can’t do it. Hello, my Corona Friends and hope you all had a very nice Sunday, have to say after weeks of sunshine we had some rain today and a bit of thunder. We did manage to get our walks in and a little bike ride before the thunder hit, but everyone who might have a lawn or garden said we needed the rain, so let it rain. Techie and I on the other hand have no yard or garden, so the rain only impedes our walks. I have no problem giving up for the greater good of our lawns and gardens. I am perfectly willing to park my ass any day to watch Law and Order, food channel, or HGTV. Although after my experience the other night at al fresco dining, with a major asshole bragging about growing up with Josh Altman from A Million Dollar listing that I loved to watch, but now has forever lost its luster. I mean come on, I know it is all full of shit but when a major A Hole is bragging in public about being his friend it just ranks right up there with Fox News, you know the Lamestream media channel. I am still trying to navigate all the channels I can watch. I only found out a few days ago that if you have HBO there are all these outlets available to you if you dig deeper. I can assure you that Techie has not provided me with all that intel and I am going to have to start figuring it out on my own. If its something I cared about I would have. I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself like the beer bottles and passing them all around with this Coronavirus. I think I would rather keep it all up on the wall rather than pass it all around, so going to need some help here. I may be tempted to take one down and pass it along to someone I feel worthy of, you know one of those people who feel it’s against the right to wear a mask, but I won’t do it. I don’t want to pass it on to anyone and that is why I hope we can continue in the great state of Massachusetts to keep wearing a mask and preventing the spread as we violate the rights of all those who feel my body my choice, except when it refers to Abortion….
Just sayin


Day 98


Day 100

1 Comment

  1. Judy

    It does matter what state you live in .

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