Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

Day One – Living in the Time of Corona

Well here we are living in extraordinary time and might I say a bit frightful conditions.  So much has happened in the past week that I decide that I will begin documenting Living in the time of Corona, as a Boomer and as my kids keep telling us “target Demo” so stop going out. It has been exactly seven days when the world changed for us and a whole new way of living came to be and for who knows how long. There is a host of new jargon “sheltering in place” sounds kind of cozy, “social distancing” easy to achieve where I live just go out in a MAGA hat no problem, the seas part.  One of the things I want to get out of the way in my first edition of this blog is that I may offend some people and it is not my intention but I have never been known as being politically correct, so I apologize in advance, but not really. I have been married for decades and this togetherness thing is still very ok but now I am questioning my decision to downsize a few years ago and move from a big house with more than 1 bathroom to a loft, one big room and 1 bathroom. I really want to binge on TV all the time and my husband opts for music and reading. I can play nice for a while but I don’t know when that tipping point is going to hit. Luckily the weather has been cooperating and we have been taking long walks in a pretty much vacant city where the sidewalks are bare and when we are approaching people in the opposite direction, especially when they see that we are old ,they cross the street and it is a good idea but sure feels like we have the cooties.  I don’t know about anyone else but these eerily quiet streets with people wearing masks brings back memories of the twilight zone which we loved as kids but always spooked us and now we are living in the time of Corona, just keep thinking it’s an episode of Twilight Zone and we can change the channel.


Day Two


  1. Dorothy

    Looking forward to you telling it as it is!
    I’ve always said you are quite a comedian. Looking forward to you making me laugh too! Love you my dear!

  2. Sheila Long O’Mara

    I ❤️ you, Peggy B!

  3. Lauren

    Hey Peg, You make me laugh, love your writing. I just picture you in an episode of Hitchcock’s rear window, lol. Gazing out your loft window only to catch someone in the act, and not able to leave the house to tell anyone or get help. Yelling and jumping up and down and Rich is on another planet with headphones on., rolling his eyes and waving you off , because he knows how dramitic you are.
    Maybe when you are walking down the street people can see the shadow of your beloved Lucy beside you.

What do you think?

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