Living in the Time of Corona

A boomer in the time of Corona

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Day 37

Hello everyone and hope we are all still sane and feeling well. Listening to the radio today they were talking about Quarantine fatigue, as apparently it is really getting to people, as we are now at least a month longer than we expected, and certainly no end in sight. Phrases I just hate and don’t want to hear anymore are the “the new normal” and “abundance of caution”, as soon as that pops up in the beginning of a memo, I just want to scratch someone’s eyes out. Yes it is getting that bad, I want to actually do bodily harm to anyone, so I will have to settle for my roommate. He is going to bear the brunt of my fury and he so doesn’t deserve, it but he’s all I got right in front of me. The vodka fog is not working, as well as it should and I may be developing an immunity, I found that to be the case with my beloved chardonnay.  I just don’t know if quarantine is the right time to start a new relationship, and I just want my standbys, to do what they are supposed to do to get me through these long days and nights. Techie rarely enjoys a drink, maybe a beer with pizza, occasional shot of tequila, but I am drinking alone here, of course there are these girlfriends zoom happy hours but not the same.  I guess it’s worse today because it is the end of April and its freaking freezing out and raining, maybe even snow. This can put you in bad mood because like prison, we get yard time, going out for our daily walks and when it is pouring there is no yard time.  Of course there is no cocktail hour either, so I have to remember to count my blessings. Well today was my grandson Charlies official birthday and the “new normal” is a drive by, parade of friends and family with banners and balloons.  I took a leap and went into Target today, because I may have said in the past crafty is not part of my DNA, and have no materials to make any kind of banners. I have heard from people that they have been shopping at Target for their groceries and whatever else they need. I ran in today on the way to the drive by and bought some coffee, half and half, and Birthday banners and Balloon. I just don’t get it why can Target be open to shop for whatever they offer, but all other retail is shuttered?  Just like everything else “rules are made to be broken” but I was glad I could get my banner, because I am sure the outlaws were going to show up with something they crafted, and I didn’t want to look bad. We lined up eight cars deep and did our little drive by in the pouring rain and were handed some cake in a covid safe baggie. I know the kids got a thrill, rain or not but now the new Birthday party routine is going to be limited to drive by’s and makes me so sad.  Last year, my roommate and I had the incredible privilege of taking Charlie to Disney World to celebrate his fifth birthday, it was my dream not Techie, whole other story about how they drain your wallet, but another day.  We took our kids when they were young and Techie had a breakdown on 20,000 leagues under the sea when the fake fish drop down and declared no more fake adventures, from now on only real adventure. I have always loved amusement parks, roller coasters, carnival food, fun houses, and I just love all the thrills. I am so happy that we took this trip and even more grateful, that his parents handed him over to get on a plane with me, knowing that I would never follow any of the rules they may have told me were important.  It occurred to me of how many missed opportunities, we as busy humans have lost, because we were just too tired when an old friend reaches out and says I will be in town Tuesday night, can we meet for dinner?  A lot of people decline because it is a school night and they are tired, plus some stupid to show, is on they don’t want to miss.  Well we all wish we were getting that call this week, and that a restaurant would be open so that we could meet for dinner. But alas the new normal is we have to meet in the parking lot, eating our take out parked next door to each other. I am sure there are a lot of us regretting putting off things they had planned on doing once they had the time, well now we have the time but we are sheltering in place. So I suggest we all make a list of things to do before we die, oh wait they have a book, but let’s make our own list. When we are told it safe to come out and play, let’s hit the road and see the world or at least a 50 mile radius.  Good news I hear that Drive In theaters may be coming back this summer and how great is that? I know I am dating myself but I can remember pulling into the Drive In with about 6 people in my trunk, only to pop it and let everyone out once we could hit the snack bar, probably why they looked the other way.  Back in the day they charged by the person not the carload, just in case you were confused by the people in the trunk.

I am sharing Maisie singing Happy Birthday to her brother after waiting in the Rainy Birthday parade tonight and you have no soul if this doesn’t melt even the most frigid of you out there.

Just sayin

Day 36

Hello everyone and hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. It is something that we know add “Stay Safe” to all our goodbyes, instead of see you soon.  The reality is we are pretty much living in a war zone and are given limited access to our world, as we once knew it.  We don’t see our friends or family in person but now everything is lived through a screen. I know a lot of us were used to keeping in touch with people, this way but that was for ones who lived far away, and you wanted to follow along their daily lives. Now unfortunately these people, on our screens are only a short distance away and we have to keep them that way. We can be walking down the street or in the market but we won’t even recognize our friends because we are all wearing masks, and kind of all look a bit shlumpy. Let’s face it I know so many people that would never have gone out in public without their hair and makeup perfectly coiffed, fortunately I have never been one of them, so not too far to fall.  My kids have made fun of me for years, saying that I don’t comb the back of my hair, I do, and often what I had for breakfast or lunch is now part of attire. Let’s face it I have turned into Bubbie.  Well is this a blessing or a curse?  I say I am doing ok on the hair front, as I was only on highlights, my nails are trimmed nice and short, the only thing is I have enough hair on my chin, I could be resembling a Billy goat. I used to have my friend Sarah, who also worked with me do my chin plucking, and she knew she would always have job security. Well it has been years since she left me high and dry, and when I do see her she freaks out.  We used to have a pact with girlfriends that we wouldn’t let each other go out of the house like this, but the problem is none of us really have that good eyesight to spot it right away. I know I have been told electrolysis is the way to go but just have never been able to get myself to do it.  I do have a daughter with some young eyes, but she has her hands full with working from home and wrangling two young ones to really care about her mother turning into a goat. Ok I have properly chastised her for not looking out for Mom, but she does notice my flathead in the back. I guess you are all wondering what about my roommate, after all he is MacGyver but he doesn’t notice, or doesn’t see it. I did have to enlist his help the other day to do my toenails, taking off the polish and cutting them he was surprisingly not that good at it, because he is terrific at almost everything else, except cooking.  He said I should see a Podiatrist, no darling just get a pedicure. That is one of the things I miss the most. Just love a good foot rub. Of course I may have to travel to Georgia if I expect to get one anytime soon, and kill two birds with one stone and get my tattoo, at the same time. Everyone is probably already familiar with the notion that when you look up something on the internet, all of a sudden all these hair removal products start stalking me, kind of freaks me out.  I was doing research on the most comfortable bras and the next thing it’s on my phone. My IPad, my computer and relentless stalking. Probably doesn’t help that I am constantly filling the cart with all kinds of things and then never check out. Yesterday I was reading about Bobby Flays secret to scramble eggs is a nonstick pan and crème fraiche, so looked up a few nonstick pans. Today I was being stalked by at least four different sites trying to sell me the best pan in the universe and they are all sitting in their respective carts. I have resisted learning a lot of technology, because really I have techie and he does it all for me, even now loading all these apps on my phone, I even did a few on my own. Which is a darn good thing because if you want take out now you have to do it on your app, don’t try to call on the phone even if they are staring at you from inside, got to use the GD app. I usually take at least two or three times to get it ordered correctly and I am not very patient. It is a good thing they keep the credit card on file, because when I order anything online it is a minimum of three times entering the card and I just want to scream.  Probably a good thing and safe to say that is why a lot of my carts are never completed, and I say just kidding. Good night all I just heard the buzzer on my face mask go off…….

Just sayin,

Day 35

Hello everyone and how are we all doing tonight?  I know it sounds like a broken record when asking how everyone is doing and I am sure we all have a lot to say, and our answers would all be very different and the same. Today was a good day, and most of that can be contributed to the weather as it was a particularly beautiful sunny and almost warm day here in Boston today. My roommate and I took a nice long walk and looked at the boats in the harbor, as everyone is getting ready to get out on the water and head anywhere but here.  Saturdays really do bring out people, as I never see this many people walking around the city during the week, so I guess I can confirm they really are working from home.  Now being of a generation and the fact that I am a retailer, I never quite got this working from home bullshit, or I guess I was just jealous. I mean why do you need to have these expensive offices, if most of your people are going to work from home?  I guess you needed them for when you may have an important meeting, or needed to bring your people in to have some team building.  Well now it becomes obvious these small spaces will not work, and everyone is going to need some type of home office, separate from the kitchen table. Right now at our place, Techie sits at the dining table, or our only table, and I am in the opposite corner where we used to share this one desk when we needed it. I worry about the future of our workforce when you think of all the people who are not changing their clothes as often as personal hygiene demands.  They are eating all the meals at their keyboards and those must be really disgusting, oh look there is a bite of yesterday’s lunch stuck to the letter k., and may not be washing their hands after bathroom breaks, just have a gallon of sanitizer spitting it at them every hour.  Well I hope what I just described is not what you want for your future, so get up, get dressed go for your morning walk before you sit down at your desk/table all day. I have been watching a lot of food network as I try to avoid the news cycles, plus I have short attention span for anything but Law and Order. I started watching food network years ago, when I really never cooked much but I liked the idea of cooking. I of course fell in love with Sandra Lee on Semi-Homemade, for a lot for reasons, all the shortcuts but mostly because of her tablescapes.  I loved them because I was always reminded of my cousin Janice, who was like a sister to me, and how much she loved to decorate for every holiday and they had similar taste, a bit on the tacky side but wonderful. Of course we cannot ignore the real reason I hung on every word of the show is Sandra was always going to deliver, on a signature cocktail that came at the very end. Well now I find myself watching the Food Network a lot during this down time and I have to say can Guy Fieri please go away. Seriously does he have to dominate every hour, does he own the network, and does he have some incriminating goods on the network that we have to see him for the majority of the air time. I can’t take it, please give me Ina, Giada and I would even settle for the Ranch lady with the hair and the dimples. I don’t know maybe I am jealous of him constantly stuffing his face and pouring it on so thick of the as best he ever had, and then he has these people running around a grocery store and cooking up a storm.  This is all great but I am saying it has now become almost like a mad snowstorm, when you are all stuck at home and all they show on the TV is the freaking weather reports. Enough already take the guy with the spiked white hair, and limit him to a few hours a day and give me a Barefoot Contessa marathon.  We could be like the USA network when they have marathons of Law and Order and we know when to tune in or not.  Surely there must be some young chefs out there with some personality and a little sex appeal wouldn’t hurt, after all we are shut in, to pick up the slack on this guy, Guy.

Ok I have enough rambling about food and I am going in for my nightly Nutty buddy mini where we each at a lot more than one.  Today was one of the best days in a long time because we got to celebrate Charlies 6th Birthday in the backyard and if social distancing id what it takes today then bring it on………….

Just sayin

Day 34

Hello everyone and hope we are all doing well, happy and healthy. TGIF or really who gives a shit because you never know what day it is anyway, but good to hear about those happy hours, gives us some sense of reality.  Today was a bit gloomy here in Bean town and I am talking about the weather I pay no attention to the football stuff going on, I don’t give a damn about Brady announcing leaving Patriots on the day our city is shutting down, and now all the new changes.  Anyway I know nothing about sports and I can see that he was a good looking guy and apparently well liked but he has left us, so like all fair weather fans, who cares?  I doubt any of these guys have to worry about collecting unemployment. What we do have to worry about are medical bills, and funeral arrangements for those thought by somehow ingesting Clorox, or an equivalent would somehow make them immune or cured. I know there are a lot of news sources for people today and a lot of  jokes about Fox news, but I get most of mine from the Daily Show, and have to say I think I have the most  reliable source. I had to call my son today and ask him the name of that show from years ago where people did stupid shit, and they put it on TV. Turns out it was called Jack Ass and today it would have featured people drinking Clorox to clean themselves out of a virus. Certainly beyond the pale, and we just can’t take it for granted that people can interpret sarcasm and the truth. Who knew you had to tattoo it on people’s heads, do not try this at home. Well there is no explaining for anyone’s intellect and we don’t know what altered states they may have been in when they were getting this information, but please don’t do it.  Just assume it is all bullshit, and wait for the word when everyone is going out and I hope you are not a bowler. I think Donny and the Dude had something to do with the openings in Georgia, as the league tournament cannot be postponed. We are all a little touchy about getting back to business as usual but does anyone else think it may be a bit dangerous to have tattoo parlors be one of the first things allowed after for the shutdown.  Can you just imagine what people will be putting on their bodies if given the greenlight to do so?  Now remember there has been no shutdown on alcohol sales and then open the tattoo parlors, you can’t take that shit back. In conversation tonight one thing we all agreed on is how many hilarious memes and videos that people share and share and share…………. I came across one just earlier tonight that reminded me of my brother who is no longer with us, and it made me laugh so much that I was crying uncontrollably. I won’t even share because it is not as funny to everyone else, but my sisters and sister in laws could understand.  Sometimes it is these moments of sheer joy, but also uncontrollable sadness that overcome you so you have to choose between laughing or crying. I hope I can continue to always find the humor even in the worst of times, otherwise I might just give up. My son called me tonight when he was on his way home and he had just read what I wrote about his wife last night, and he was a bit worried that maybe she would not have appreciated his sharing with me her new habits.  Well she did get a good laugh, and so we dodged a bullet on that front.  Everyone it is Friday night so kick back and have a killer weekend and hope you all some have great plans. I will share this video which is a bit long and stick with it as I passed it up a few times but it turned out to be rather funny and we could all use as many laughs as possible…………..

Just sayin

Day 33

Hello everyone and how are we all doing?  I hope we are all staying healthy and safe and maybe sane. I have really good news to report today. As you may recall I was very upset last week, when I really lost a day. I spent the whole day insisting it was Wednesday and then found out it was Thursday.  I really thought I had gone over the edge, and I could be heading straight for the Old peoples home. Well today was a special day because a very close friend of ours had a big birthday, and my roommate and I did what besties do. If you can’t go to Regina’s you bring the Regina’s to your friend.  They live out in the burbs so Donna had the lawn chairs all set up in the backyard more than 6 feet apart, and we each had our own little table with a bottle of Corona.  It has not been a particular warm April so we did wear our down jackets, and got right to the piazza before it got to cold. A really fun time was had by all.  So funny thing about these April Birthdays, my friend circle has a lot of them so wondering what was happening back in the fifties, in the middle of a hot summer. Anyway we were just discussing what age all these April people were turning and I discovered that I really was a year younger than I thought. I don’t know where the screw up was but all year I have been thinking and saying I was a certain age, and as it turns out I won’t be that age until this July. So I just got a whole year back and I am going to use it to wipe out this past year, and we can all wake up tomorrow, and it will all have been a bad dream. OK so I can’t erase it, but I still am psyched about getting my year back, and only have a few more months to live it till next Birthday.  I can remember years ago maybe when my son Max was in college or right after he graduated but he said to me, Mom you know how you always said time goes so fast, a year or a few months will just fly by, well now I get it.  When you are younger you can’t get there fast enough and when you are older you just want to slow that train down. The days are long, but the years are short, so enjoy the ride and be dam sure you know what year you were born.   Last night during one of my facetime visit with Max, Alana and baby Tilda he reminded me of how used to make fun of Bubbie along with my kids because she seemed to expel gas without missing a beat, and like we didn’t notice at the checkout line at Target.  My favorite was chewing with her mouth wide open almost spitting at us, and maybe a little belch in between.  He said then you turned into Bubbie, and didn’t even notice when I let out a healthy belch, loud fart and pretended it wasn’t me. I remember when Max  was maybe 8 years old, and had a bunch of his friends over,  and they were all giggling as they were making themselves belch . My son very proudly said my Mom can do it louder than any of you guys. I cried because he was really so proud of me and thought I was the coolest. Well we take those little wins however they come.  Max told us his wife has picked up his mother and Bubbies’ habits and she doesn’t even know she is doing it. Personally I find it hard to believe because she is always pretty well put together and wouldn’t want anyone to hear noises coming out of either end of her.  After all she can’t be that bloated or gassy, she only drinks oat milk and other strange things, so I guess it is not the diet after all. Trust me, what we put in our bodies for sustenance has no resemblance. I can only surmise that this is all a result of the quarantining and a longing to be near the people you love the most.  I just want you all to know but after a pepperoni pizza and two beers I have been belching the night away.

Happy Birthday Jon!!! We love you!

Just sayin……..

Day 32

Hello everyone and Happy Earth Day!!! I can assure you 50 years ago when this movement started no one in their wildest dreams could have ever envisioned the world we live in today April 22, 2020. It started out as a call to action, from a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara in 1969 with an idea to harness some of the student activism going on in the country, and pretty sure they managed to get agreement on both sides of the aisle on this one.   We went on as a country to put in place the Clean Air act, EPA, Endangered species act, and many more, which saved many human lives and saved protected so many from extinction. I don’t want to go dark here but WTF, where did we go wrong?  As much as I would like to blame the Orange man we can’t give him all the credit but he did manage to escalate our downward spiral these past few years.  Like anything, and now may be the perfect example we demonstrate that we can do whatever it takes to to bring ourselves out of the hole we may have dug ourselves into , but then soon as it gets a bit better all those practices are out on the window.  I am just as guilty but I do want to say that my car is now a hybrid and I can sneak up on people with my silent panther SUV.  Just for the record, it is earth day and I did take a 15 minute shower but I am down to one a week, so I figure I am saving it up for that one long shower. I may have mentioned that I heard sense of smell, is one of the first to go, so I want to be sure I can detect if I have the virus. I don’t know what the hell happened here on earth that we were sent this pandemic, but I hope people will realize there are some benefits from this whole ordeal.  Let me just say I am by no means making light of lives lost during this time, we all know someone affected and you have my condolences.  I see reports that the smog over LA has lifted and people can see the blue sky, that should be a reminder that maybe we can figure out a way to have less cars on the road. I was reminded several years ago we were visiting my daughter in Oakland and they had signs for casual car pool, pretty much it was legal  hitchhiking but more civilized. You went to a place and stood in line and waited for a spot in a car, going over the bridge to San Francisco, drivers got to drive in a certain lane and not pay the $6.  I say bravo, I used to just stick my thumb out and hope I didn’t get a pervert or a Psycho and most of the time it went pretty well. I am sure like all parents who grew up in the 70’S it may be a blur, but we wouldn’t condone hitchhiking even if was our standard operating procedure and good for the environment. When I saw pictures today of New Delhi, India I was so inspired by the clean air and you could see the Himalayan Mountains. I had the immense pleasure of visiting India several years ago and was inspired by so much of the beauty of the country, and colorful textiles that brightened up even the dirtiest parts, so much potential for true beauty. I do remember the signs that were everywhere that said a clean India in 2020, maybe not the right year, but the point is the wanted to honor Mahatma Gandhi, just don’t think they wanted to achieve it through the virus, but we should all work with what we got.  I don’t believe people are driving their cars as much, I know other than groceries or drug deliveries my roommate and I are hoofing it around the city and we love it. Yes we are a bit addicted to that odometer or step counter, his not mine, but I get really pissed if it comes in under 12,000 on a walk that I was sure was at least 15,000. The birds seem to be singing a different tune and I can only hope they are happy and not planning an Alfred Hitchcock coup, because I swear no one could handle it today, particularly my sister Judy, who must have shit her pants, during that early movie, because to this day she freaks out if a bird gets close to her.  Think of all the time we are getting to spend with our pets, cats and dogs living together, with human’s home all day kind of freaky but working. I do think we need to put a curb on those rushing out to get chicks, because they were concerned about the egg shortage.  They just don’t start dropping eggs, but cute nevertheless. People are planting their home gardens just remember all those critters out there think you are planting for them, so just add a few extra rows.  Lastly I want to thank all those in the younger generation especially Greta Thunberg for giving everyone a royal kick in the ass, we dropped the ball, and just got to comfortable and lazy.  Wake up people get off your asses and work to save the planet………

Happy Earth Day!!!!

Just sayin….

Day 31

Hello everyone and hope we are all doing well because it is Day 31, and I only thought I would be jotting down a few thoughts for a few weeks, and now I can’t see an end date and it really upsets me. I mean it was a lot of fun the first few weeks hunkering down with your sweetie and waiting out the snow storm, but damn this shit has gotten old. I think it is especially hard when the weather is damp and cold, and I don’t get my daily walks, dogs have a better chance of getting their steps in every day. My roommate went out for his walk early but I got a call from his elderly cousins who are a bit challenged, go get my ADD pills. No hello or can you do me a favor, but I get it and I drive to her Doctors office and at least no traffic, because they live off the southeast expressway which is usually a bear, so I make really good time. Her Doctor handed me the boxes of pills and I am not going to lie, I was studying the label and wondered if I could feel better taking it. Well fortunately those days of pill popping are long gone and continued on to CVS for the rest of the meds, and potato chips for the driver. You are immediately greeted by a sign that says we are out of hand Sanitizer, toilet paper, Clorox wipes, but they still have chips so I enter the store. I grab the prescriptions, add some junk food, what the heck if they are going to be medicated you need snacks. I must be projecting. Anyway mission accomplished and head back home, but by now it is raining and I missed my opportunity for my walk, and since I ate a large bag of chips for lunch, I really needed it but Se la vie. Look I am learning another language… So I came across this article today that said one of the items in short supply during Corona is oat milk, I mean holy shit freaking oat milk. This world is even crazier than I can fathom. The last time we visited my son and his family in Philadelphia was Christmas week this past year, and my daughter in law, Alana who I adore, she’s my favorite daughter-in-law, asked if we could pick up some oat milk on our way home from our walk. We were pretty close to their home and we just didn’t see a market that may have Oat milk or so we thought. They live in South Philly and I am not sure if anyone reading this can understand what life and culture is like in south Philly, I can assure you, you don’t think you are going to find Oat milk in the corner Bodega. I actually dared my husband to walk into the corner bodega and ask him if they had oat milk, I stayed with the stroller so missed the conversation. Funny enough they didn’t have it but the owner knew all about it, because he said his daughter uses it, so he directed us where to buy it and all had a good laugh. I looked up on the internet today what is the best alternative to dairy milk and was blown away by what is available, Soy, Almond, Oat, Rice and even a new one Pea. I was so pleased that one site said the best alternative is Hemp Milk, and that is one I can surely get behind. I was curious about the Almond milk because I think it takes a boatload of water, to grow almonds and just don’t see how that helps the environment, never mind how we squeeze milk out of the rest of the choices. I also discovered that Starbucks charges a bit more, if you order any of these alternative sources in your latte, thank goodness I am always a cream no sugar, oh wait that is what bothers me about Starbucks, you have to put in your own cream, this is where Dunkin beats them, if only the coffee could compare. My son Max was telling me about the benefits of maybe looking to a more vegetarian diet and even if I did consider it, does this mean I have to take the shake shack app off my phone? I can remember my daughter Erica’s horror when she saw the app on my phone and I said Dad put it there, I don’t even know how to use it. I can report they we live within striking distance of the shack and 40 days in we only got take out once, when you are standing in line in front of Trader Joes the beef smell is so strong, doesn’t have the same appeal. Any way big news tonight the young couple on my floor knocked on our door this morning and brought us a chicken pot pie that they guaranteed to be the best and don’t have to think what’s for dinner.
Just Sayin……..

May the 4th — our potential release date!

Day 30

Hello everyone and how are we all doing?  I hope everyone is healthy and as happy as they can be under the circumstances. Today is a special day for a lot of reasons, it’s Patriots Day, generally when all the reenactors come out and hometown parades, Boston Marathon and of course it is 4/20 Day. So we missed out on all the Patriotic celebrations, and we all know the marathon has been cancelled, so go ahead and light them up, but keep your social distance.  Today we walked down to the finish line, or wait did I say walked I meant we ran Boston, and the weather would have been perfect for a marathon. Of course I have no direct knowledge on what ideal weather would be but let’s just say it was moderate. I have celebrated a lot of marathons over the years and the weather has been over 90” and then it has been rainy and sleety. I can only say I think runners would have liked it, spectators like it a lot warmer but they can run in place. It was eerie to walk around  the city today on normally would have been a huge celebration and public displays of intoxication, but no just another day in the time of corona.  I guess we are all running a different kind of marathon today which is trying to maintain a level of calm in our lives.  I can only say to my kids that you have become far better parents, than I would have been under these conditions. I am pretty sure after 4 weeks I would definitely have dropped off Max by the side of the road by now, and Erica would be under the bed writing stories how her mother has turned into Cruella Deville. Or maybe not, because when it came down to whether screen time was ok, no contest you would have all the screen time you wanted, just don’t interrupt my soap operas.  Oh how I wish the soaps were still on there is no question where we would all be at 1 pm All My Children, One Life to Live and my Mom’s favorite Guiding Light.  My roomie in college Rozzie and I used to run back to sneak in the show a few times a week.  It was a sad time when these daytime shows disappeared. I can tell you if they were on today they would find a whole new audience and would quickly become very popular. Anyone who has ever followed a soap knows that you can miss watching it for months at a time but you could easily picked up where you left off without having to go back and watch old episodes. I don’t know why and I really never thought of it but it just worked. I can remember once years ago when my roommate walked into the room when I was watching Dallas on an evening soap and they said the part of the Mom was now played by another actress, he couldn’t believe that people would fall for that knowing she wasn’t the same person, but I said hey obviously you never watched a soap opera because that was standard. In fact I think we could start writing some new soaps during this time and I know there is probably a lot of really great material that can come out of this time of sheltering in place.   All you needed was of course infidelity, grown children who just discovered you are their dad, usually a lot of shenanigans that happened at a hospital.  I don’t know if they have the time right now for those working in the hospitals to sneak away for these little rendezvous so may have to move that to a different profession say the Grub Hub or Uber eats guys, are getting it on with the lady or man of the manor.  Today it would just be the joy of seeing another human delivering your pizza, to get you to seduce that person but alas no touching, so yet another foil in our plot. In our walk around the city today we did observe that 90% of the people were wearing masks and keeping their distance, so not sure how that would translate for a daytime drama unless you have a 60” screen to see all the characters, as they are spread apart.  I am actually thinking if you have a wider screen you may be able to see the distance apart, but I did mention it is 4/20 so probably people are stoned out of their minds today.  Maybe all getting a bit paranoid right now but no worries we have a freezer full of nutty buddies and ice cream sandwiches so all good here, for the night. Meanwhile I am exhausted because I ran a marathon today or at least crossed the finish line.

Just sayin…………

Day 29

Hello everyone and how are you all doing?  In case anyone noticed I took the night off and techie kept it alive by posting the last pictures in my phone, and yes it was his turn to cook so hot dogs and beans. He is very easy to please, as that is one of his favorites. He is really very adept with a can opener. So as we were enjoying our really romantic Saturday night dinner, MacGyver was getting a playlist on spodify, he has even taught me how to do it, so learned something new under quarantine. We were loving the music and then it was really heading to some stuff that even I thought was really, really old, and I wondered why it was reading our taste incorrectly?  No worries techie to the rescue and we were back into our groove. I can remember back when I was driving in my car and a great song would come on and I be bopping and singing in my seat. I would be thinking, man I love this station and then the DJ comes on, and says you are listening to the Oldies station, and there you go deflated ,and yes, you are not that cool. Well we cranked up the music last night and no one seemed to mind and not sure if anyone is home, in this building. Probably thought the old people were throwing a ripper but no just the two of us, and we moved the coffee table out of the way so we could have a dance party, because everyone knows I love to dance and my roommate would rather chew glass.  True story when techie and I first got together we were at a club that was playing live music that just made you want to dance, and I couldn’t convince him to dance with me, like I said he finds it painful. Anyway being the guy he is and seeing how much I wanted to dance, he turns to the guy next to him, and says excuse me will you dance with my sister?  I spent the next hour of one of our first dates dancing with a stranger, and made for a very memorable time.  Well now we have our own private dance parties and he is trying very hard to almost look like he is enjoying it.  

I am listening right now to songs from the late sixties and seventies and reminds me how great your life used to be growing up in that time, and I can only hope that someday a carefree life will once again be possible. We went today to watch my grandson launch his first rocket that he built with his dad, something Techie used to do a lot with our son so he was super excited to learn that Charlie loved building it and in fact Uncle Max sent it to him. The plan was to meet at a parking lot on the Tufts campus, they live close by, but when we arrived there was police tape and couldn’t enter the field. I suggested just go under the tape but these kids aren’t rule breakers, I don’t know how I failed them. I actually once got a call from my son’s kindergarten teacher because she couldn’t get Max to follow the rules and he told her, my Mom says rules are made to be broken.  I told her he was taking it out of context, but secretly I was very proud of him.  I am sure he has broken a lot of rules since then and I hope Charlie breaks a few as well, but not today.  They scouted a different field and it was totally empty and set up the launch pad. But it really wasn’t big enough and we lost a few rockets as the wind carried them away, but the launch was awesome. So if anyone out there is reading this and rocket landed on your head today in Medford I have no idea where it came from or who it belonged to…….

Just sayin…..

Day 28

Too much quarantine

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