Hello everyone and Happy Cinco de Mayo and hope you all had a chance to celebrate with some Tacos and Margaritas. Today, just like we are all Irish on Saint Pat’s day, we can all be Mexicans for the day. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed but since I do like to dine out a lot, Mexican restaurants have been the hottest openings in the past few years. The food is usually pretty decent and not that expensive is how they suck you in, but then those Margaritas can really add to your tab. Right in my own hood we have Scorpion Bar, Pink Taco, Bar Taco [love their margaritas the best and music] Lolita’s, Yellow Door Taqueria, so many more. My grandson Charlie’s favorite is Tenoch and they better  always be sure his burritos only have rice and chicken, because he will have a meltdown if he finds any cheese. Well every Tuesday is Taco Tuesday, and so happened that Cinco de Mayo happened to fall on a Tuesday in 2020, but because we are otherwise committed to this Pandemic we couldn’t properly celebrate. Come to think of it we started our shut down of our city on March 16th, the day before St. Patrick’s Day when all the bars were sure to be packed full that day and night.  I wonder what they did with all that corned beef and cabbage that was never served up this past holiday.  Well in my stroll around the neighborhood tonight it was apparent that several places were trying to make the best of it offering their special Taco Tuesday takeout, or some even had a Cinco de Mayo kit that could be pre-ordered.  There were lines of cars outside some of these places with the uber eats, grub hub and others picking up their celebratory dinners for delivery. Pink taco even had their outdoor patio all done up for the celebration but alas it was only a staging area for social distancing while you waited for your order to be called, not even any free tequila shots in the making. We just have to get used to the idea that now all our celebrations will be only available on Facetime or Zoom, until the next big idea comes along and with all this extra time we have on hand, where is it?  You would think we have had two months and some of these Tech geniuses would have come up with a new source of group communiques?  I would like something that automatically does my hair, makeup and picks my wardrobe so I don’t scare anyone, and shaving 10 or 20 lbs. would be an added benny. I guess I shouldn’t be so hard on them as I saw on the news tonight we shouldn’t feel guilty for not accomplishing new things, during this time of isolation and free time. The example being used was about researchers in the Antarctica who when they first arrive have set some lofty goals, of maybe learning a new language or mastering another trait because they have so much free time, but they quickly adapt to the lazy stage after a few weeks. Point being we can stop beating ourselves up, about what we haven’t accomplished and it is ok to celebrate those 10lbs that you know you were trying to gain, or that stack of Thank you notes you were always going to write but just could never find the time. Just think if your wedding has been postponed now is a good time to get a head start on your Thank You’s for when it does happen you will have that much more free time in the future. Sure you don’t know what those gifts will be, but you sure can address all those envelopes today, and your welcome for the brilliant tip. As a matter of fact why don’t you get all those chores done that you never have time to do. Like all your Christmas shopping, Birthday presents, and cards just knock em all out now so when we are let out, we will be free to do whatever we want.  Remember to shop local, or local charity donations in honor of someone would be most welcome. Next big day is coming up this Sunday and yes it is Mother’s Day so plan on something special for all your Momma’s and Moms to be. It won’t be dining out, so look up Ina Gartner or find out who has the best offering to go before Sunday, and don’t wait till the last minute. You have all week to plan or perfect your skills and I know Techie is doing the research as we speak or at least when he reads this he will have no excuse, and if my son is reading please remember there’s your Momma and your baby’s Momma.

Just sayin