Hello everyone and how are all doing tonight? Are we sporting your masks and staying in place?  I would like to thank all of those you said they would help me with a mask when they read, I couldn’t sew a button. Hey bitches! I am still waiting, can’t go to the supermarket till I get a mask.  I have enough food to last a few more days before I have to gnaw in techies arm. Just kidding we could do with some fasting especially after the dinner we had tonight, let’s just say if they tied a rope and threw us overboard we would make a good anchor. First tonight is a very special night because not only is it the first night of Passover but just happens to be my mad loves birthday. Usually this Shiksa hosts the first night of Passover and I look forward to it, we see some cousins that I actually enjoy spending time with, family and friends who are family.  I was secretly glad when everyone decided that they didn’t want to do a zoom Seder, as we are all just going overboard on the Zoom, and needed a break. Thank goodness for Facetime. I was just saying to my girlfriend Nancy this morning I am glad there is no zoom Seder because if we can’t have Donna’s matzo Ball soup what’s the point?  MacGyver’s cousins have grown to love her soup so much that last year they were crestfallen, when she wasn’t here as she chose to go visit her kids in Seattle. Now like all really great foods that are too good to be believed this is no different apparently there is a ton of lard in these balls, which make them absolutely scrumptious, so says the Shiksa.  Now I was raised as a Catholic and one of twelve kids ,so this was a whole new world to me but thankfully I have a colleague whose wife had the best recipe for brisket and dam this recipe was so easy and so delicious I should make it more than once a year.  Here is the thing about the way I operate I don’t keep notes or bother putting it in a place where I could easily call it up, remember I am lacking any technical skills.  I merely just asked Sig every year can you please send me your wife’s easy recipe and after about 5 years I got a present in the mail. This framed copy of the brisket recipe, now sits very proudly among my family photos so I always know where it is. That is something I can get my head around.   Sometimes I get a few strange looks from people when they are over for the first time and perusing my shelf and spot a brisket recipe but it works for me. Just like the plate I will share that either one of my kids made back in pre-school it still works or I use it to give me directions for the Seder. Let’s just say our Seder’s have come a long way since the day I had a Scarlet letter on my forehead, and now no one can remember a time when I wasn’t welcome and because of me the family now has gravy with the Turkey. Ok sidebar, for years I would go to these family dinners with they served the most dry chicken or Turkey ,and couldn’t understand why there was no gravy, but I thought to myself maybe not kosher so best to smother it with Italian dressing.  So one Thanksgiving I say to my Mother-in-law and Aunt Naomi why don’t you guys serve gravy and they say no one ever made it, so I said do you mind if I do, and a new tradition was born.  Big points were scored by me by lifting the family out of the gravy drought. Now our Seders have been pretty much, they tried to kill us, we survived and now let’s eat.  Now for those who are reverent about all these traditions now worries I get it, did I not say I was raised in an Irish/polish catholic family and it is always good to take a laugh at yourselves.

I can go into the details of what it is like to celebrate The Last Supper, on the First night of Passover but that’s another day. I have gotten off track here because tonight was more about Techies Birthday, and his celebration. We have two kids that worship this man and when it comes to his Birthday there can’t be enough accolades on Facebook, phone calls and cards and I know they are truly deserved but I do get a bit jealous.  I really do think they like him best and hey I don’t blame him, I would like him best as well, in fact I sure do. I am not joking when yell across the loft and he runs right over to set me up on Word, never getting cross or impatient.  I have to play my cards right because I don’t want to  upset this sweet deal, I got going on here and someday he may figure out its time to get a new model. I am totally screwed and in the meantime I will keep those meals coming. Happy Birthday, my techie/lover/roommate.  You could take MacGyver on any day……….

Just sayin…